Respond with your character name, where you play and what faction you play.
Aegwynne [H]
Thyus (19 Undead Warlock) - AntiVirus
Andorhal [A]
Nemtih (63 Gnome Warlock) - Newby
Tyr (30 Draenei Shaman) - Hitmen
Crushridge [A]
Beast (80 Night Elf Druid) - Omen
Dalvengyr [H]
Huntardkek (80 Orc Hunter) - Furious
Puntsgnomes ( 80 Orc Warrior ) - Furious
Darrowmere [H]
Corgas (80 Dwarf Death Knight) - Furious
Shrowfall (80 Human Mage) - Furious
Mertick (80 Gnome Rogue ) - Furious
Detheroc [H]
Duckee (70 Troll Mage) - Kaleeko
Achbae (22 Troll Rogue) - Kaleeko
Feathermoon [A]
Sabetha (64 Human Priest) - Sidoh
Larinda (63 Human Rogue) - Sidoh
Sidoh (53 Gnome Warlock) - Sidoh
Amerille (39 Human Mage) - Sidoh
Anacella (38 Night Elf Rogue) - Sidoh
Frostmane [A]
Eyzuk (80 Dwarf Priest ) - Antivirus
Mydira (80 Draenei Shaman) - AntiVirus
Durval (80 Dwarf Paladin) - AntiVirus
Thyza (80 Night Elf Druid) - AntiVirus
Styva (80 Human Rogue) - AntiVirus
Neylu (75 Night Elf Death Knight) - AntiVirus
Estyon (74 Gnome Mage) - AntiVirus
Lyko (60 Night Elf Hunter) - AntiVirus
Asiel (11 Gnome Warlock) - AntiVirus
Illidan [H]
Chubsy (80 Tauren Druid) - disco
Sharkweek (67 ?? Death Knight) - disco
Bugginout (27 ?? Mage) - disco
Kargath [A]
Niamh (70 NE Feral Druid) - Kaleeko
Tierdhe (65 NE Hunter) - Kaleeko
Karigan (30 Human Warlock) - Kaleeko
Kargath [H]
Pixiestix (24 Troll Shaman)
Kilrogg [H]
iolfear (80 UD Warlock ) - Furious
Velanis (80 Tauren Druid ) - Furious
Nerdsmasher (80 Orc DK ) - Furious
Gerbek (80 Troll Shaman ) - Furious
Kilrogg [A]
iols (80 Human Paladin ) - Furious
Eilane (80 NE Priest ) - Furious
Magtheridon [H]
Moone (38 Troll Shaman) - Sidoh
Rexxar [A]
Tarch (80 Draenei Shaman) - Furious
Shadow Council [A]
Kosh (70 Draenei Shaman) - Sidoh
Skullcrusher [A]
Kerwryn (65 Night Elf Druid) - Omen
Slay (29 Night Elf Hunter) - Omen
Smolderthorn [A]
Hardcore (70 Gnome Warlock) - Omen
Stormreaver [A]
iolsup ( 80 Human Rogue ) - Furious
iolumadbro ( 78 Night Elf Druid ) - Furious
iolsupgnomie ( 65 Gnome Priest ) - Furious
Suramar [A]
Gnight (80 Gnome Death Knight) - Hitmen
Kolgrim (80 Gnome Warlock) - Hitmen
Ragnarök (80 Human Rogue) - Hitmen
Vaan (72 Draenei Shaman) - Hitmen