2nd year CS was when I ran out of money and had to drop out/start working full time.
So, I guess you could say it's when I wrote my Java bot as well. However, Hdx did most of the heavy lifting with JBLS - I use his CD key decoder, Broken SHA-1 hasher for cd key/password hashing, and SRP module. I wrote my first battle.net bot when I was a sophomore in highschool.
CSB? 8th grade. Binary bot, freshman. I win!
To also shove blame in a different direction, JBLS was written by The-FooL, and apparently he died or something so Hdx took over the project.
In 8th grade, I took a general CS class that dealt with MS Office. In my freshman year, I took a VB class first semester and a Java class second semester. In my sophomore year, I was signed up for AP Programming, but that ended up being dropped due to lack of students to take it, and I ended up taking a CS class around computer repair and problem diagnosis on the hardware level. This year I'm taking an intro to C++ class, since I don't actually know C++ (very well), but I intend to fly through it since the concepts, and much of the syntax, will come straight from my knowledge of C#.