Author Topic: [Java] Output class  (Read 2243 times)

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Offline Camel

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[Java] Output class
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:19:39 pm »
I started from the Out class in JBLS, and heavily modified it to suit my needs. It now vaguely resembles log4j, except that it doesn't suck.

It hooks directly to my GuiEventHandler, which is essentially the GUI plugin for my bot. This enables users who aren't familiar with the console to still be able to provide debugging information. contains settings for which classes should allowed to display debug information. For each key=value, key is the class name, and value is true/false.

Depends on my SortedProperties class to make the output look pretty, and my Settings class to store the 'globalDebug' value.
 * This file is a modified version of the Out class from JBLS
 * $Id: 680 2007-09-11 17:24:14Z scotta $

package net.bnubot.util;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


public class Out {
   private static PrintStream outStream = System.out;
   private static GuiEventHandler outConnection = null;
   private static boolean globalDebug;
   private static Properties debug = new SortedProperties();
   private static File debugFile = new File("");
   static {
      globalDebug = Boolean.parseBoolean(, "debug", "false"));
      try {
         debug.load(new FileInputStream(debugFile));
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    * Get the lines of the stack trace relevant to the project
    * @param e The exception source
    * @return Each line of the exception starting with net.bnubot, and ellipsies where lines were trimmed
   private static String getRelevantStack(Exception e) {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
      String lines[] = sw.toString().trim().split("\n");
      String out = lines[0];
      boolean ellipsis = false;
      for(String line : lines) {
         line = line.trim();
         if(line.startsWith("at net.bnubot.")) {
            out += "\n" + line;
            ellipsis = false;
         } else if(!ellipsis) {
            ellipsis = true;
            out += "\n...";
      return out;
    * Display the stack trace in an appropriate location
    * @param e The exception source
   public static void exception(Exception e) {
      if(outConnection != null)
      else if(outStream != null)
    * Attempt to popup a window with a stack trace, and exit with code 1
    * @param e The exception source
   public static void fatalException(Exception e) {
      try {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, getRelevantStack(e), e.getClass().getSimpleName(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
      } catch(Exception e1) {}

    * Displays error messages
    * @param source source of the info
    * @param text text to show
   public static void error(Class<?> source, String text) {
      if(outConnection != null)
         outConnection.recieveError("(" + source.getSimpleName() + ") " + text);
      else if(outStream != null)
         outStream.println("[" + TimeFormatter.getTimestamp() + "] (" + source.getSimpleName() + ") ERROR " + text);

    * Displays debugging information if debug has been set
    * @param source source of the info
    * @param text text to show
   public static void debug(Class<?> source, String text) {
         debugAlways(source, text);

    * Displays debugging information
    * @param source source of the info
    * @param text text to show
   public static void debugAlways(Class<?> source, String text) {
      if(outConnection != null)
         outConnection.recieveDebug("(" + source.getSimpleName() + ") " + text);
      else if(outStream != null)
         outStream.println("[" + TimeFormatter.getTimestamp() + "] (" + source.getSimpleName() + ") DEBUG " + text);
    * Displays information
    * @param source source of the info
    * @param text text to show
   public static void info(Class<?> source, String text) {
      if(outConnection != null)
         outConnection.recieveInfo("(" + source.getSimpleName() + ") " + text);
      else if(outStream != null)
         outStream.println("[" + TimeFormatter.getTimestamp() + "] (" + source.getSimpleName() + ") INFO " + text);

    * Sets the output stream for the information to be displayed to. Can be set
    * to asdf, admin output stream, file logging, etc..
    * @param s PrintStream to send information to.
   public static void setOutputStream(PrintStream s) {
      outStream = s;
    * Sets the GuiEventHandler for the information to be displayed to.
    * @param g GuiEventHandler to send messages to
   public static void setOutputConnection(GuiEventHandler g) {
      outConnection = g;

    * Sets whether debugging messages should be shown
    * @param debug true means debugging messages will be shown
   public static void setDebug(boolean debug) {
      globalDebug = debug;
      info(Out.class, "Debug logging " + (debug ? "en" : "dis") + "abled");
      Settings.write(null, "debug", Boolean.toString(debug));;

    * Sets whether debugging messages should be shown for a given class
    * @param debug true means debugging messages will be shown
   public static void setDebug(Class<?> c, boolean debug) {
      Out.debug.setProperty(c.getName(), Boolean.toString(debug));
      try { FileOutputStream(debugFile), null);
      } catch (IOException e) {
      info(Out.class, "Debug logging {" + c.getName() + "} " + (debug ? "en" : "dis") + "abled");

    * Gets whether debugging messages should be shown
    * @return true when debugging messages will be shown
   public static boolean isDebug() {
      return globalDebug;

    * Gets whether debugging messages should be shown for a given class
    * @return true when debugging messages will be shown
   public static boolean isDebug(Class<?> c) {
         return false;
         return Boolean.parseBoolean(debug.getProperty(c.getName()));
      setDebug(c, true);
      return true;

   public static Properties getProperties() {
      return debug;
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 04:29:10 pm by Camel »

<Camel> i said what what
<Blaze> in the butt
<Camel> you want to do it in my butt?
<Blaze> in my butt
<Camel> let's do it in the butt
<Blaze> Okay!