Each expansion added will only make the game worse. I've been in the top 0.1% three times now (rerolled about two months before BC and got back up due to my huge amounts of transfered dkp), and I've decided to retire before everyone is leveled off once again. It's stupid and not really all that fun anymore -- EVERYTHING you achieve is now the result of a grind and nothing more. Illidan is a fucking joke right now, the only difficult aspect to him was -- you guessed it -- grinding the mats for the shadow resist set for a boss before him. Kel'Thuzad was a challenge. It took skilled players in your raid and high amounts of coordination on several different aspects all at once. Arena gear is somewhat skill based, but even the most terrible 12 year old with downs will eventually get the gear long before the next season is released with the amount that they're spaced out currently. The game's too dumbed down and won't ever be as fun as it was pre-BC. While WoW has set MMO records, I highly doubt it'll surpass the trend of starting to die off a bit after a few expansions; granted that's a couple years off.