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LaTeX Mod

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We added a mod that parses LaTeX formulas directly on the board. Basically, use [tex]yourlatexstuff[/tex]. You can thank Sidoh for the mod!

[tex]This is a test[/tex]

I am [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\Omega[/tex]

Meh, works for me.



It seems my ISP is flaking right now.  I'm not sure what's up; I just noticed that it's down.  Hopefully they're just doing maintenance tonight and it'll be back up in the morning...

For the record, Joe, you should use "E", not "e".  Little e is used to denote eccentricity, which is a concept used in astrophysics.  :)

I suppose, if iago is up for it, I can change the mod to work locally.  It wouldn't require a whole lot of extra work, but iago would need to have the standard LaTeX tools, which, as far as I know, come standard with Slackware.


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