Shitty products..but they've had their best quarter in nine years?
Sorry, I just don't get how that works. Bad products usually don't equal profit..
You know, Considering Windows Vista has the best security track record of any OS..
All Vista security bugs have been stopped dead in their tracks by UAC. Enlighten me.
So Vista in one week, sells more than the entire OSX install base. Enlighten me.
360 outsells the PS3 five to one. Enlighten me.
Zune takes 12% of their respective market against the iPod, surpassing even Microsoft's initial expectations. Enlighten me.
How about Visual Studio? .NET Framework? XNA Framework? Crappy non-innovative products too I suppose?
No. I mean, if you can find a fault in any of my logic by all means. Money talks, marketshare talks, and it's obvious which direction they lean in. I mean seriously, go ahead if you can. It should be interesting to see how baseless your arguments are.
You know, it's a few months after Vista's release and from the looks of it all of the "issues" people had with it don't have a leg to stand on. It's solid as a rock, and will only continue to get better with the impending service pack.
Where's the shitty products? Point them out to me.