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Ban Drake!

Who would trust somebody named after a male duck, anyways?


--- Quote from: iago on November 08, 2007, 11:50:07 pm ---Ban Drake!

Who would trust somebody named after a male duck, anyways?

--- End quote ---

Psh, he was totally named after the Drake Equation.

Incidentally, drake, there's a street here in Fort Collins named "Drake".  You're a celebrity!



--- Quote from: dark_drake on November 08, 2007, 11:35:33 pm ---I should probably comment on the above. Let me preface it by saying that I was not abusing my powers in any way.

Obviously, Joe overstepped his bounds. Now, this was just the final straw in a very short chain of events involving me mostly. I had had a bad day, was tired, and finally read Joe's comment about how nobody shall banned without his permission. Well, I went ahead and proved him wrong. Without his permission, I banned him. Yes, that's right, I banned Joe for a short time.

Now that that's over with and we know power hasn't corrupted me or anything like that, I think you should all know something. If people don't start referring to me as "Sire drake", there might be some more bans which will involve groveling to end.  >:(

--- End quote ---
so you banned joe because you were in a bad mood?

I'm glad we have such thoughtful leaders ::)

(You'll have to wait til tomorrow to see if I acutally mean what I wrote,I've been drinking and didnt care to read through your enitre post...i still <3 you)

Craz3d, I'm going to let you off with a warning this time. If you wish to address me, use "Sire drake".


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