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Downtime this weekend

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I'm planning on physically moving the server this weekend (tonight, Saturday, or Sunday, depending on when I have time). It'll be down for 1-2 hour at that time.

eek gads.  good thing I'll be drunk and out of town ;)! <3

As opposed to every other weekend when you're in town, I imagine?

yeah, if I'm in town I'd still be drunk...but I'd be posting sad stories about boredom while the forums were down :D


--- Quote from: CrAz3D on November 09, 2007, 05:05:28 pm ---yeah, if I'm in town I'd still be drunk...but I'd be posting sad stories about boredom while the forums were down :D

--- End quote ---

I'm not one to question a drunk man and his physics, but how do you post on something that isn't?


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