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Re: Hunting
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2007, 10:51:39 am »
My morals and culture say okey dokey to shootin' coyote.
What you're saying is that your morals say it's ok to "terrorize and kill intelligent animals". That's unfortunate.   

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2007, 10:54:28 am »
mmmmmm, basically, minus the terrorize.

But you live in a city yeah?  In order for that city to exist animals were 'terrorized and killed', you must support that since you live there.

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2007, 11:50:06 am »
I love the leftist spin (via wording) in this topic. Shooting local pests (coyote's eat farm animals for instance) instantly becomes "terrorizing" innocent and intelligent animals.
This does present a good point.  I don't think that shooting animals intrinsically "terrorizes" them.  Particularly when there's need for ecological balance (e.g., in the event that a migration of people drives species A into a new habitat, and species A is a predator of species B, which already lived in that habitat).  Of course you could argue that the people should move.  Of course, nobody will ever really accept that argument - not that it's invalid, but if people want to live there, you're not going to keep them out, short of legislation.  And it'll be arduous.
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Re: Hunting
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2007, 01:43:14 pm »
MF/Crazed/Trust: This isn't "leftist spin".  Does everything have to be about politics?  I asked a simple question, and in response, all I've read are irrelevant rationalisations and some thoughtless jabs at a political ideology.  Bringing in politics is particularly disturbing, since it verifies how I understand your thought processes; you have been conditioned to politicize everything.  Rather than carefully considering each individual situation as it presents itself, you bind yourself to a group of people, and when you identify an opinion or argument as one that could be out of line with what the group beliefs, then your mind switches into attacking that belief, until it goes away.  You don't think and then react, you react and then, at best, justify your reaction.  You are not interested in learning from an argument, or even close to entertaining the idea that the other side could be making a good point -- you are instead mostly interested in stamping out the unorthodox belief by whatever means seems effective.  This is mostly directed at Trust (not so much at Myndfyre), since Trust explicitly tried to politicize the argument -- so the discussion could just shift to lefties vs. righties -- and of anyone here, he is least likely to think about what the other person is saying and change his opinion, even if what he says can be shown to be as close to as objectively wrong as is practically possible. 

Now, Crazed, you did not fully read or understand the points I made.  I said most hunting parallels actions you would deem someone mentally sick for enjoying.  I didn't say it was an action you deem someone mentally sick for enjoying.  If you felt poorly about taking the lives of these animals, and somehow felt a reward, or whatever else, justified what you were doing, you would not refer to it as "fun", but as a duty.  It's not as though you'd go out and pick trash off the road for fun.  (I do not think a reward or calling the animal a pest justifies its death, but that is a different argument).

Why do people enjoy hunting?  Think about it.  It's the uncertainty and excitement derived from stalking and killing an animal.  It's a game.  And of course the animal is terrorized in this process, how could it not be?   It runs for its life and you shoot with a gun.  If this weren't the case, it wouldn't be referred to as a "game", and you wouldn't enjoy it.  What does it parallel?  Rape is an example.  People commit rape because they enjoy the adrenaline and power they get from the situation.  Why is rape considered wrong?  Because you are emotionally damaging someone.  How about hitting a child? 

Hunting appeals to your baser instincts.  They are natural instincts, but just because something is natural does not imply that it is moral, or even in the long term best interests of society.  Rape, murder, and everything else that people do, however unusual or morally questionable, is what they were designed to do, and so nothing is justified solely on the basis of being "natural".

I don't know why I bother though.  I've probably written too much for people to likely read and understand.  There's enough text here that my questions will be ignored, or forgotten, and the argument can be redirected. I'm sure someone will misunderstand something, and disagree with what he misunderstands, or some additional and irrelevant rationlisations will be introduced.   Or there just won't be any intelligent response, just something short like "It's ok to do what I'm doing".   If I could save one coyote, I think this thread would have been worthwhile.  But I am a misanthrope; I've lost faith in most people's willingless to learn and change.  People are mostly interested in winning, or doing whatever feels good in the moment without having to think about it too much. 

What is it that's fun about hunting?

« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 01:56:31 pm by Rule »

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2007, 02:08:23 pm »
MF/Crazed/Trust: This isn't "leftist spin".
I didn't say it was "leftist spin".  I quoted the statement that said it was, and highlighted the part I thought was an important point:
I don't think that shooting animals intrinsically "terrorizes" them.
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Offline CrAz3D

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2007, 02:29:01 pm »
What isn't fun about hunting?  The rush, being out there in nature, the beauty, the awesome food afterwards?

The animal is not terrorized at all.  If it was it wouldn't be within a mile of you ... it'd be running 30 mph and you'd have no chance in hell of shooting it. 

You can't compare hunting game to raping people, that's a lovely example of your propaganda against anything I ever post.  You don't rely on reasonable arguments, you attempt to prove me wrong by calling me racist, mentally sick, and comparing me to a rapist.  If that's how you truly feel, fine, but I doubt that it is.  So until you can grow up a little bit I will reconsider responding to your infantile insults.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 02:32:04 pm by CrAz3D »

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2007, 02:46:54 pm »
I think Crazed's response that was trashed was very telling:,10923.0.html

It adds tremendous value to what I had written.  Since it was an ad hominem attack, I can understand why it was trashed, but I think it's important that it be seen in the context of this discussion.  He responds in the sort of way I had predicted, only to an extreme.  Crazed, you should try to learn from and listen to people who are, most likely, more intelligent and thoughtful than you are.  When we make the transition from math or strict logic to social issues, most arguments lose the property that they can be proven correct or incorrect, but the same kind of reasoning is still applied in both situations. It follows that your deficit in critical thinking will likely spill over into these social arguments, and the only reasons you don't recognize it as readily are:
1) Your social conditioning
2) The inability to be absolutely correct or incorrect.

In five hundred years, we will look back upon the way we currently treat animals as abusive and atrocious.  Most people cheered when the Nazis excuted millions of Jews.  Most people cheered when witches were burned.  Most people thought it was right to use Africans as slaves.  Now most of us see these things as wrong.  It's easy to agree that something is good or bad when you are sharing an opinion with 99% of the public.  However, public opinion shifts drastically, and what was once "right" does not become "wrong" if very little else is changing.  I believe that a majority of your opinions will be seen as atrocious by people in future generations.  If you were a member of the general public of the future, you would think your present views are atrocious.

Responding to your most recent post.  You would eat Coyote?  What does the rush come from? It comes from cold-hearted killing.  And the comparison to rape?  That is truly how I feel.  In most cases, I think scaring and then killing an intelligent animal for no reason other than for some type of instinctual high is just as bad as rape, and the mechanism through which one derives pleasure from each activity is identical.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 02:55:19 pm by Rule »

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2007, 05:56:39 pm »
While I do agree with Rule, this is not the place for this discussion.  Who wants to split?

Yeah, I was going to suggest that too. 


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Re: Hunting
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2007, 07:46:01 pm »
MF/Crazed/Trust: This isn't "leftist spin".  Does everything have to be about politics?  I asked a simple question, and in response, all I've read are irrelevant rationalisations and some thoughtless jabs at a political ideology.  Bringing in politics is particularly disturbing, since it verifies how I understand your thought processes; you have been conditioned to politicize everything.  Rather than carefully considering each individual situation as it presents itself, you bind yourself to a group of people, and when you identify an opinion or argument as one that could be out of line with what the group beliefs, then your mind switches into attacking that belief, until it goes away.  You don't think and then react, you react and then, at best, justify your reaction.  You are not interested in learning from an argument, or even close to entertaining the idea that the other side could be making a good point -- you are instead mostly interested in stamping out the unorthodox belief by whatever means seems effective.  This is mostly directed at Trust (not so much at Myndfyre), since Trust explicitly tried to politicize the argument -- so the discussion could just shift to lefties vs. righties -- and of anyone here, he is least likely to think about what the other person is saying and change his opinion, even if what he says can be shown to be as close to as objectively wrong as is practically possible. 

No this is exactly what it is, it's no different than when political pollsters ask questions which are used to place an idea in a persons head about a candidate (i.e. Would you vote for candidate x if you knew he abused drugs a, b, and c). Even if the candidate never used a drug in his life, the idea that he did is now in the voters head and they won't vote for him. That's exactly what you're doing. You're using careful wording, strong and harsh words one would initially associate with negative actions (rape, terrorize) and then you're humanizing the animals (referring to them as intelligent and innocent). Regardless of whether or not the animals are innocent or intelligent, these are usually characteristics used to describe humans. You placed these harsh words in the readers head, which automatically turns this into an argument of, essentially, good vs. evil. You're just as guilty of politicking as I am, but at least I am straightforward with it. Instead you manipulate the reader by your wording (and you're intelligent enough to consciously do this) and then insult the opposition to further make us the "bad guys." (For example, CrAz3D and I are unable to do basic algebra, we don't listen to or learn from other arguments, we wouldn't, or wouldn't be intelligent enough, to read (or understand) your entire post, etc.)

Unfortunately you are incorrect. I enjoy healthy debate, and while I usually will not budge on a position I do make an effort to entertain and consider other ideas. If my beliefs tend to match those of a certain group, then so be it. I'm not going to change what I think just to be a nonconformist or "think for myself." If I do that than I'm not thinking for myself. Despite what you may think, I do have beliefs that differ from what the Republican platform stands for.

Lastly, you consistently state that we (mainly CrAz3D and myself) resort to ad hominem attacks when debating. This just isn't the case, and if one is used it is usually in a joking manner (for instance, I don't think iago actually has a vagina.) Instead it is generally you who resorts to seriously using personal attacks, usually insulting our intelligence. I know nothing about your credentials, nor do I know where or what you study. Likewise, I assume your knowledge of our schooling is very minimal - limited to what we choose to post on these boards. You're evaluating our intelligence based on posts you disagree with from an internet message board. Or maybe they are ones which were posted in jest. Whatever your reason, academically speaking they are unfounded. CrAz3D and I both are enrolled in reputable secondary institutions, mine being one of the best in the South. You seem to be intelligent, but unlike anybody else on these forums (I'm sure many could match wits with you) you constantly brag about it. What insecurities do you have where you must constantly reassure a bunch of (mainly) high schoolers of your higher intelligence? That is not an attack, but simply a question.

And for the record, I had an A in Algebra.

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2007, 08:26:00 pm »
MF/Crazed/Trust: This isn't "leftist spin".  Does everything have to be about politics?  I asked a simple question, and in response, all I've read are irrelevant rationalisations and some thoughtless jabs at a political ideology.  Bringing in politics is particularly disturbing, since it verifies how I understand your thought processes; you have been conditioned to politicize everything.  Rather than carefully considering each individual situation as it presents itself, you bind yourself to a group of people, and when you identify an opinion or argument as one that could be out of line with what the group beliefs, then your mind switches into attacking that belief, until it goes away.  You don't think and then react, you react and then, at best, justify your reaction.  You are not interested in learning from an argument, or even close to entertaining the idea that the other side could be making a good point -- you are instead mostly interested in stamping out the unorthodox belief by whatever means seems effective.  This is mostly directed at Trust (not so much at Myndfyre), since Trust explicitly tried to politicize the argument -- so the discussion could just shift to lefties vs. righties -- and of anyone here, he is least likely to think about what the other person is saying and change his opinion, even if what he says can be shown to be as close to as objectively wrong as is practically possible. 

No this is exactly what it is, it's no different than when political pollsters ask questions which are used to place an idea in a persons head about a candidate (i.e. Would you vote for candidate x if you knew he abused drugs a, b, and c). Even if the candidate never used a drug in his life, the idea that he did is now in the voters head and they won't vote for him. That's exactly what you're doing. You're using careful wording, strong and harsh words one would initially associate with negative actions (rape, terrorize) and then you're humanizing the animals (referring to them as intelligent and innocent). Regardless of whether or not the animals are innocent or intelligent, these are usually characteristics used to describe humans. You placed these harsh words in the readers head, which automatically turns this into an argument of, essentially, good vs. evil. You're just as guilty of politicking as I am, but at least I am straightforward with it. Instead you manipulate the reader by your wording (and you're intelligent enough to consciously do this) and then insult the opposition to further make us the "bad guys." (For example, CrAz3D and I are unable to do basic algebra, we don't listen to or learn from other arguments, we wouldn't, or wouldn't be intelligent enough, to read (or understand) your entire post, etc.)

Unfortunately you are incorrect. I enjoy healthy debate, and while I usually will not budge on a position I do make an effort to entertain and consider other ideas. If my beliefs tend to match those of a certain group, then so be it. I'm not going to change what I think just to be a nonconformist or "think for myself." If I do that than I'm not thinking for myself. Despite what you may think, I do have beliefs that differ from what the Republican platform stands for.

Lastly, you consistently state that we (mainly CrAz3D and myself) resort to ad hominem attacks when debating. This just isn't the case, and if one is used it is usually in a joking manner (for instance, I don't think iago actually has a vagina.) Instead it is generally you who resorts to seriously using personal attacks, usually insulting our intelligence. I know nothing about your credentials, nor do I know where or what you study. Likewise, I assume your knowledge of our schooling is very minimal - limited to what we choose to post on these boards. You're evaluating our intelligence based on posts you disagree with from an internet message board. Or maybe they are ones which were posted in jest. Whatever your reason, academically speaking they are unfounded. CrAz3D and I both are enrolled in reputable secondary institutions, mine being one of the best in the South. You seem to be intelligent, but unlike anybody else on these forums (I'm sure many could match wits with you) you constantly brag about it. What insecurities do you have where you must constantly reassure a bunch of (mainly) high schoolers of your higher intelligence? That is not an attack, but simply a question.

And for the record, I had an A in Algebra.
Long post, yada yada, woman, lol!

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2007, 08:47:24 pm »
No this is exactly what it is, it's no different than when political pollsters ask questions which are used to place an idea in a persons head about a candidate (i.e. Would you vote for candidate x if you knew he abused drugs a, b, and c). Even if the candidate never used a drug in his life, the idea that he did is now in the voters head and they won't vote for him. That's exactly what you're doing. You're using careful wording, strong and harsh words one would initially associate with negative actions (rape, terrorize) and then you're humanizing the animals (referring to them as intelligent and innocent). Regardless of whether or not the animals are innocent or intelligent, these are usually characteristics used to describe humans. You placed these harsh words in the readers head, which automatically turns this into an argument of, essentially, good vs. evil. You're just as guilty of politicking as I am, but at least I am straightforward with it. Instead you manipulate the reader by your wording (and you're intelligent enough to consciously do this) and then insult the opposition to further make us the "bad guys." (For example, CrAz3D and I are unable to do basic algebra, we don't listen to or learn from other arguments, we wouldn't, or wouldn't be intelligent enough, to read (or understand) your entire post, etc.)

I don't think I've referred to animals as "innocent," in this thread, although I do believe they are.  I refer to certain animals as intelligent because they can demonstrate that they highly aware of their surroundings -- more so than humans actually.  In fact, humans are closer to certain animals than most animals are to one another.  For instance, chimps and humans share 98% of their DNA, 10 times more than mice and rats do, and the 2% difference is mostly in DNA that codes for proteins that are responsible for developing physiology related to speech.  With this in mind, it seems more wrong to lump all animals together and place them in a separate category to humans, in all contexts.

I naively thought there was a small possibility Crazed would learn from what was being posted.  There really isn't anything to the thrill of hunting  except stalking and killing, yes, an intelligent animal.  And I sincerely think that's just as bad as rape.  I'm using extreme language because I think hunting just for amusement -- depending on the animal -- is extremely horrible.  I feel strongly about it, so I use strong language.  So take what I say as I say it.  I think your response somewhat provides support for what I was saying earlier; you're interpreting everything I'm doing as a "tactic" to win an argument.  This only implies that is how you approach arguments.  That is not the motivation here.  "I naively thought there was a small possibility Crazed would learn from what was being posted".

Lastly, you consistently state that we (mainly CrAz3D and myself) resort to ad hominem attacks when debating. This just isn't the case, and if one is used it is usually in a joking manner (for instance, I don't think iago actually has a vagina.)

You're calling black white now.  Did you not see Crazed's response in the trash can?

You're evaluating our intelligence based on posts you disagree with from an internet message board. Or maybe they are ones which were posted in jest.

You and Crazed are similar in some ways, but you are not the same person.  I evaluate intelligence on this message board based on how creative, insightful, and thoughtful people appear in their posts.  Of course that is subjective to an extent, but sometimes these qualities are unarguably obvious or indisputibly lacking.  I also evaluate intelligence based on what can be measured more precisely: critical thinking and logical reasoning.  These are both important skills in almost any facet of life, and they can be traced rather accurately in fields like mathematics and physics.   

What insecurities do you have where you must constantly reassure a bunch of (mainly) high schoolers of your higher intelligence? That is not an attack, but simply a question.

Well, if it's simply an [innocent] question, then I'll give it a fair answer.  Imagine you are a fields medal winner.  This is the highest honour one can receive in mathematics.  Receiving this award means you are likely in the top 0.0000001% of the population in both your innate ability and in your perserverence and determination.  Then you decide to log onto an internet forum, and a bunch of inexperienced children, perhaps 10 years younger than you, start talking to you as your equal or your superior, hardly listen to your arguments, and frustrate you to no end with logical problems you see in the way they think, argue, and make decisions.  Moreover, no amount of reason seems to appeal to them -- it's all a matter of winning and losing, saving face, defending their initial position, and coming back with arguments that to you seem so fucking pathetic you just have to laugh in resignation.   How would you respond?

I'm not a fields medal winner, but maybe that helps you understand my situation, if you take what I've said at face value.    This is quite off-topic though.  I think I've asked very clear and important questions related to the hunting topic, and they haven't been answered.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 08:49:54 pm by Rule »

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2007, 08:50:37 pm »
Killing a coyote by hiding different ways is creative ;D!

(not gonna lie, that's about the only line I read, ha).


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Re: Hunting
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2007, 09:17:00 pm »
I don't think I've referred to animals as "innocent," in this thread, although I do believe they are. ... [snipped for length] I think your response somewhat provides support for what I was saying earlier; you're interpreting everything I'm doing as a "tactic" to win an argument.  This only implies that is how you approach arguments.  That is not the motivation here.  "I naively thought there was a small possibility Crazed would learn from what was being posted".

I apologize if you didn't refer to them as innocent, I thought you had. Perhaps it was just inferred. In any case you have now, and it was just an example anyway. My point was that you are assigning human characteristics in an attempt to appeal to the emotions, whether this is being done consciously or not. It's a persuasive tactic often used, and can commonly be heard when people say "men, women, and children." Furthermore, I am aware of the posted statistics. However, we are obviously the superior species of modern times. Whether we deserve that or not is a different debate, but it's fact. The Bible says animals are here to serve man, and if you're not religious then it can be seen as survival of the fittest. Coyotes, to continue with that example, are a threat to our way of life in certain areas (farmers being able to make a profit to feed their families, for instance.)

You and Crazed are similar in some ways, but you are not the same person.

I grouped us together because it seems it is usually us versus everyone. It also seems as if we are the only two who's intelligence is consistently brought into question by you. I don't know if it is personally motivated, ideologically motivated, or something else. It's just how I see it. Maybe it's just that we are hard drinking racists who hate the environment which brings us together.

Well, if it's simply an [innocent] question, then I'll give it a fair answer.  Imagine you are a fields medal winner.  This is the highest honour one can receive in mathematics.  Receiving this award means you are likely in the top 0.0000001% of the population in both your innate ability and in your perserverence and determination.  Then you decide to log onto an internet forum, and a bunch of inexperienced children, perhaps 10 years younger than you, start talking to you as your equal or your superior, hardly listen to your arguments, and frustrate you to no end with logical problems you see in the way they think, argue, and make decisions.  Moreover, no amount of reason seems to appeal to them -- it's all a matter of winning and losing, saving face, defending their initial position, and coming back with arguments that to you seem so fucking pathetic you just have to laugh in resignation.   How would you respond?

I'm not a fields medal winner, but maybe that helps you understand my situation, if you take what I've said at face value.    This is quite off-topic though.  I think I've asked very clear and important questions related to the hunting topic, and they haven't been answered.

First off, as you said you are not a fields medal winner (nor to my knowledge are you 10 years older than the rest of the board.) Since you aren't, I don't see how this comparison has any value. Additionally it is bumptious to compare yourself to a fields medal winner. Anyway, it seems as if you're continually mistaking "not agreeing" with "not listening to your arguments." I don't speak for CrAz3D, but I listen to your arguments and consider them - I just don't agree with them. You make valid points, I just think they are wrong. If we are engaged in debate (especially political or moral) why isn't it appropriate to defend my initial position? I debated in highschool, and that was always the format. How would I respond though? If this situation is truly as bothersome and frustrating as you make it sound, and since defending your initial position is not something that one should be doing (thus no reason to continue debate) I would probably just quit posting. Or at least I would quit posting in controversial discussions.

In regards to hunting, could you please list your questions again? I think they may have been overlooked or mixed in with the insults in previous posts. I'm not a hunter, but many of my friends are and I'm also not against hunting for sport (in season.) I enjoy fishing though.

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2007, 10:17:51 pm »
I think that animals should, as funny as it sounds, be humanized. I fail to see any significant in what humans and animals are, at the core. We're all intelligent creatures. Humanizing animals makes it harder to want to harm them. And that's good, you should feel bad when you kill another living being for any reason. At the most basic level, I see no major difference between eating an animal and eating another human being, yet most people consider the latter to be extraordinarily disgusting.

There is one thing we have that most animals don't, though: the ability to use tools and our environment in new and innovative ways. Yet, we constantly find ways to use that for harm (whether it's to each other, animals, or the world in general). It's unfortunate that we use the intelligence we have, arguably a very nice gift, in so many negative ways.

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Re: Hunting
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2007, 10:51:02 pm »
This has nothing to do with the discussion, but I split all of the posts involving the hunting and gun "debate" and moved them into this thread.  Thanks to Rule for pointing out I missed most of them.