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Happy New Years... and happy new leader(s)!

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All of us here at x86 would like to welcome YOU to 2008.

Why not start off the new year with an announcement: we have the leader election results in!

(I went so far as to painfully tally them with my phone... because a certain whiny female (towelie) whined!)

In first place... we have Sidoh with 9 votes!

(this may be the first election iago didn't steal first place. A sign of things to come?!)

In second place... comes the ten-time champion... the vegan heavyweight: iaaaaaago! He came away with 8 votes.

But it was a tie at 8... so I broke it in his favor.


Who scooped up 8 votes? It wasn't dark_drake, no. It's a newcomer... (sorry myndy!)

That, my friends, is the seat-clenching question of the day.

Third place is... going to be announced as soon as I get some free time at a computer. So I can properly promote them. ;)

Hitmen.  :O


--- Quote from: Newby on January 01, 2008, 05:25:01 pm ---It wasn't dark_drake, no.

--- End quote ---

Maybe because he wasn't running. :o

Blaze has started a trend!  Throw out your guesses!

If he hadn't said it wasn't Myndy (what is this madness?), I would have said him, but now I guess Blaze!

I would have to guess blaze as well.


--- Quote from: Hitmen on January 01, 2008, 07:00:03 pm ---I would have to guess blaze as well.

--- End quote ---

Heh, that's funny:

(06:15:46 PM) Ron: I still think it's Hitmen
(06:15:53 PM) Blaze: I agree with you, actually.

I'll just be laughing when it turns out that Towelie or CrAz3d won. :)


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