Author Topic: The x86 Dictatorship  (Read 18058 times)

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The x86 Dictatorship
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:14:04 pm »
Many fellow members of the x86 boards, and especially members of the group, can remember back to a USWest clan called The Enlightened Ones (e1). Many notable members were apart of this clan, such as Raihan, MyndFyre, iago, and Stealth. It was a fun little group, or at least I thought.

However, some members had friends that were not in e1 who would periodically be kicked or banned from the channel. This created problems. Members argued that I had no authority to be unfair to non-members, even though they were, in fact, not members. They implied that non-members had many of the same rights as members and should, to put it simply, not be treated as inferior/unequal/etc. I have always upheld the notion that any group should provide more privileges to it's members than non-members, and in the case of e1 that was protection from being removed from the channel. I was called many things: abusive, a tyrant, etc. Many members of the clan left for other ventures (many moved to x86), and shortly after e1 died...despite a continual effort by me to keep it active. Oh well, things happen.

Now, nearly 4 years later I see administrators of x86 doing the same things they criticized me for. Non-members, and even some members, are not treated as equals. Oddly enough, some non-members are treated with favoritism over members (i.e. Rule over CrAz3D). I cannot speak for them however, so I will speak for myself. Ever since I've joined this forum I have been faced with negativity/banning (starting with Tuberload, continuing with deadly), and now it continues with iago, Sidoh, rabbit, etc. I'll admit that some of my posts are controversial, but I call things as I see them. If somebody is saying that they would never consider something related to the armed services an honor, then I find that to be unpatriotic. If I notice that members are obviously changing their views, eMannerisms, etc. to conform with iago et al, then I'll say that. (Joe, mostly, but also Sidoh come to mind). Granted, the things I've posted are nowhere near as bad as some things members have said (see my signature for confirmation regarding deadly.)

Most likely nobody will read this because it's too long, I'll be somehow belittled, the thread will be trashed, and I'll be banned for somehow angering somebody. Oh well. It pisses me off that I make a thread in CrAz3D's forum and it was trashed by somebody other than CrAz3D. My post was not spam, it was not pornographic, it was not racist, etc. I didn't break any rules, yet an administrator still usurped CrAz3D's moderatory powers to fulfill their own anti-Trust agenda. That is worse than what I did by banning non-members. I'm guilty of being a little ban happy, but not for trying to censor what people said. My interpretation of a discussion forum was that it promoted discussion, but lately it seems that discussion can not happen if there is a differing argument. CrAz3D and I are continually called ignorant, incapable of algebra, etc. based upon our political views. We don't respond with these sorts of insults (I think the worst I've done is call somebody a pussy), yet are the ones always catching flack for what we say. It is the other posters who are unjustifiably belittling us, or in the case of deadly, wishing physical harm. What is done to these people? Nothing. Nothing is ever said, and on some occasions there is obvious agreeing. It's gotten to the point where I don't reply to a lot of topics, or don't say what I would normally say, because I don't want to deal with the backlash from people who disagree. It doesn't require me to just defend my position, but also myself on a personal level.

This forum has gone down hill, and if I'm banned for calling out the dictatorship at x86 then so be it...that will further prove my point in regards to the controlling administration's (who seems to always be anti-government control) censorship. If I'm not banned and my post is not trashed, then it's probably because of PR reasons. In any case, the x86 forums remind me Animal Farm. iago is now walking on two legs and wearing men's clothing. Although everyone is equal, to me it seems like certain members of this forum are a little more equal than the rest.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 01:50:18 pm »
Haha, that's the best propaganda I've seen in awhile! I'll start with calling out the most obvious fallacy: if I trash this thread, I prove your point, and if I don't, it's because of PR. So no matter what I do, I lose. I love it! By the way Trust, how many babies have you been caught killing? (Joking, obviously, but it's the identical fallacy). In any case, I'll do neither -- I'll move it to the General forum, which allows people who don't read CrAz3d's forum to see it. (Sorry CrAz3d -- if you really want this thread on your forum, PM me and I'll move it back)

You weren't banned because you had different opinions. If that was true, then I would have already banned CrAz3d, rabbit, rule, warrior, and pretty much everybody else who has an opinion, since I don't know anybody who I completely agree with. No, having differing opinions is fine, and encouraged.

Here's the problem -- ever since x86 started, you've hated it. Whatever happened with e1, it collapsed, and x86 basically took its place in the community. You took that as a personal insult, and I don't blame you. You had every reason to be upset about that, but we were all much younger at the time. However, do you really think that so many members would have jumped ship so readily if they were happy? Most members that I talked to were unhappy, which is why Newby and darkness created x86 in the first place. That's the history of x86/e1 from my angle, take it or leave it. The point is, you had an agenda against x86 back then, and it still continues to this day. When you see a crack or a chip in the leadership, you do your best to stick a knife in and twist as hard as you can. In the past, you've often leveraged clan members to help you (warrior comes to mind). However, we've always handled the situation and continued going, and that always bothers you.

There is a reason this clan is set up democratically. We have three leaders, and, if members don't think those leaders are fulfilling their duties to the best of their abilities, they can vote for somebody else in the next election, or even remove a leader between elections.

That being said, let's look at the posts that, in my opinion, caused the issue:

I would comment on the issue, but my opinion is not allowed at x86.
No, you weren't banned for a day for your opinions. You were banned for repeatedly posting the same thing, designed to cause problems. I moved that post to the trash as soon as I saw it because by responding, I'm giving you what you want. I strongly believe in the "don't feed the trolls" policy, and that's 100% what that was. By responding here, I'm giving you exactly what you want, and I hate doing it, but I don't think I have an option in this case.

I was reading the rules and it doesn't say a member must motion to ban a member, so I'm motioning to ban rabbit. Let's hear it!
That wasn't just a standard "I feel xxx way about yyy post" like you seem to be implying. That was a direct, "let's cause problems" post and nothing more. So again, under my don't-feed-the-trolls policy, I trashed it. A minute or two later, you posted the exact same thing. At that point, it becomes spam. So I solved it in the same way that I always solve that problem -- I gave you the shortest possible ban. I figured by the time the 24 hours were up (or however the forum calculates a day), you would stop repeating that message, so that's what I did.

So there are examples of you trying to cause problems. Now, let's look at some stuff before:

Here's one example of flamebait you recently posted:
you just seem like you would be a good Canadian, all you need to do now is smoke weed and sponge off of the government.
You can't honestly believe that by demonstrating total racism against other members, you'd provoke interesting discussion? No. You were trying to take a stab at Canadians. And that isn't the first, there was at least three examples of outright racism in that thread, and I didn't even go through the whole thing. Why would you post that? The only reason I can imagine is flamebait. You were trying to piss people off and incite problems.

Not to mention:
...Stop being a Canadian liberal loving girly-man...
Another pure insult towards a member (in fact, a leader -- that was directed at Sidoh).

So the post before that one insults the Canadian members (me and Blaze), and the second insults Sidoh directly. Now, is there a pattern? Yes -- those are the three leaders.

So the question is raised, are you directly trying to piss off the leaders? Perhaps. Why? To destabilize the clan? The only thing after insulting the leaders would be to find a way of getting yourself banned (spamming is a good way). Then, once that happens, post a thread that can't possibly be argued (hey, look at this!).

I may be making invalid assumptions here, but the case seems pretty clear to me. It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if all or part of this series of events was planned solely for the purpose of taking that swing at x86 that you've always wanted to make.

So to wrap it up (and because I just spent my entire lunch break typing this...), you're welcome to be here and to express your opinions here and to debate topics. However, don't insult others and don't use empty rhetoric to make other people feel dumb (members or not). Yes, there are others who do that too, and I've talked to them privately about it (the difference with you is that you brought it to a public forum, so here we are). You're welcome here as long as you follow that simple guideline.

Get it?

Oh, and yes, I read your entire post, twice. It wasn't too long for me. Hopefully you don't consider this post belittling,

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 01:59:43 pm »
A community of 10 strong is really that upsetting to you trust?

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zxdropoff: lucky you
mutsumibear: :D I know.
mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.
zxdropoff: omfg
zxdropoff: stfu
zxdropoff: now please
mutsumibear: HAHA
mutsumibear: I love disturbing you.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 03:00:14 pm »
I'm not allowed to change my views and "eMannerisms" as I learn things and mature?  Just because my views tend to align with iago's and not yours doesn't mean I'm conforming.  I don't agree with iago on everything, you know.  This exactly the kind of crap you spew that frustrates me.  It doesn't offend me on a personal level because I don't take anything you say to heart, but if you want to post flamebait and knowingly provoke arguments that become personal, then know that someone will probably want you gone.  Also let it be known that I did not propose the vote.  I probably never would unless you did something way worse than your usual.

I'll be the first to admit that I've changed my mind on a lot of things in the past few years, as I'm sure some have noticed.  I'm not religious and I'm more liberal than conservative (but I consider myself a libertarian).  Why is it you believe I'm not allowed to change my opinion on something?  I grew up in a small town, surrounded by conservative people.  My family is conservative, so I was raised to be a conservative, most of my teachers were and nearly all of my classmates were.  I went to college and started to see how uneasy my own opinions actually made me feel.  I slowly began to reject them and here I am today.

I'm not sure how you can claim how some people unjustifiably favor Rule over crazed.  I have far more respect for some people than I do others, as I'm sure is the case with you.  If you want to call that faoritism, then that's fine, but how the hell can anyone treat everyone with a blank slate all of the time?  It doesn't work that way.  While I agree that Rule sometimes steps out of line (as does crazed) and I don't like that, I see a great deal of value in the posts where he doesn't.  You can disagree, but I think Rule is fantastic, aside from him directly insulting people (even when it'd normally be considered "called for").

You should also know that this doesn't only happen to you, so stop acting like an innocent victim.  There have been proposals to ban a number of other people, including some that you would want banned as well, I'd imagine.  They rarely pass, though, and the only two standing permabans I can think of are for c0n and Topaz.

Trust, I can't see how you can claim that a response to a long, thought out post calling me a lilly-livered Canadian constitutes a discussion.  It seems you believe that you're being treated unfairly and for the reason you have different opinions.  I'll tell you right now that's not the reason your ban was proposed -- and, again, it wasn't me who did so.  It was because you post flame bait crap that adds no value to a thread.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to Towelie's Naval Academy thread and look at all your posts.  If you can't see a single one of them that classifies as that, let me know so I can point you to the ones we're referring to.

Someone proposed you be banned, trust.  There's a vote up now where members are voting.  We will NOT defy the result of the vote.  Every member I've talked to except Ender agrees that leaders (if there's a consensus) can ban a member for a very limited amount of time if they become a problem, which I think you did.

If you take anything from this, let it be the following: you weren't banned for 24 hours because of your opinions.  This and the ban proposal which is being voted on by all members right now is a result of your insults that were contrived to do nothing more than get a cheap laugh at the expense of others.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 03:02:59 pm »
I don't agree with iago on everything, you know.
I disagree with that.

..... crap!

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2008, 04:17:32 pm »
Trust, you're an idiot.  Here's what you're doing:
1. You provoke and insult people of Group A
2. Group 1, the leaders of Group A, punish you (the 24 hour ban)
3. You complain to Group A that Group A sucks and is being unfair and that you demand better treatment

Now, with your logic, we should all listen to you otherwise we're queerdo Canadian liberal pussies.  In actuality, complaining to a group about the SAME group is stupid.

It's been said several times already in this thread, but I'll say it again, and not as sugarcoatedly as the others have said it: You're not being banned because you have different opinions, you're being banned because you're a self-centered asshole.

If you don't believe me, then look at it this way:
1. You and CrAz3D have almost the same opinions
2. You're an ass, CrAz3D [usually] isn't
3. CrAz3D is a MEMBER, so even when he IS an ass, we put up with it, because it's not his norm and we understand that
4. You're a CANCER.  No matter what treatment we apply, you come back and often times worse than before

Do you see the logic yet?

Stop complaining and pushing your double standards on us (like iago said, no matter what we do you're the innocent victim and we're the evil conspiratorial government or something) and SHUT THE FUCK UP.  Learn to live with people not liking you when you insult and belittle them.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2008, 04:32:43 pm »
Most members that I talked to were unhappy, which is why Newby and darkness created x86 in the first place. That's the history of x86/e1 from my angle, take it or leave it.

To clarify, me and Darkness formed x86 for two reasons:

1. We wanted a cool clan tag for playing D&D on Warcraft III. What's sad is it died there, too, since I thought the name Newby[x86] was too long.
2. We liked x86 assembly. :)

Then, when e1 was starting to crumble, we decided to take off with it.

When I get some free time (not today and definitely not tomorrow, possibly Friday) if this topic is still alive, I'll post my two cents.

*continues reading*
- Newby

[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2008, 04:53:35 pm »
Trust, you're an idiot.  Here's what you're doing:
1. You provoke and insult people of Group A
2. Group 1, the leaders of Group A, punish you (the 24 hour ban)
3. You complain to Group A that Group A sucks and is being unfair and that you demand better treatment

Now, with your logic, we should all listen to you otherwise we're queerdo Canadian liberal pussies.  In actuality, complaining to a group about the SAME group is stupid.

It's been said several times already in this thread, but I'll say it again, and not as sugarcoatedly as the others have said it: You're not being banned because you have different opinions, you're being banned because you're a self-centered asshole.

If you don't believe me, then look at it this way:
1. You and CrAz3D have almost the same opinions
2. You're an ass, CrAz3D [usually] isn't
3. CrAz3D is a MEMBER, so even when he IS an ass, we put up with it, because it's not his norm and we understand that
4. You're a CANCER.  No matter what treatment we apply, you come back and often times worse than before

Do you see the logic yet?

Stop complaining and pushing your double standards on us (like iago said, no matter what we do you're the innocent victim and we're the evil conspiratorial government or something) and SHUT THE FUCK UP.  Learn to live with people not liking you when you insult and belittle them.

Not stating what you said wasent true. But in a more diplomatic sense I think thats what people are trying to get across to you trust =/

mutsumibear: David's coming over Sunday so we can have mad sex all day.
zxdropoff: lucky you
mutsumibear: :D I know.
mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.
zxdropoff: omfg
zxdropoff: stfu
zxdropoff: now please
mutsumibear: HAHA
mutsumibear: I love disturbing you.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2008, 05:15:23 pm »
Trust, I've been against banning you from the start.  I've been one of the more staunch defenders of you, in fact.  But this kind of shit is lame and annoying.  

The problems we had with e1 is that your bannings of non-members were seemingly more arbitrary than vL's.  At least most of the time vL's bans were because someone had pissed a member off.

Now, I certainly don't agree with a non-designated-moderator-of-a-member's-forum trashing a thread within a member's forum.  But I'm also not a leader anymore, and my influence extends only so far as I care to flex my voice.  I don't know how you can know with certainty who trashed your thread; I can't, and I'm a member here.

There are always going to be favorites of members and non-members.  Equal treatment is not guaranteed by the rules; the rights and privileges of members are clearly delineated, however, and non-members certainly haven't enjoyed rights of members, nor have members been denied privileges given to non-members that aren't listed in the rules.  Personally I like CrAz3D a lot less than when he joined; I think he's gone downhill.  I like Rule a lot less even than CrAz3D (though I like him more than I liked GameSnake, that's for damn sure - but I quit being leader so I could head up the charge to get him kicked out).  Still, one way or the other, I think that saying that it's a dictatorship is unfair.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2008, 05:19:14 pm »
Trust,  here is my point of view:

I joined the clan with zero knowledge of its history or dealings with you, e1, and for the large part even vL.  At the time, my impression of you was that you were just another high school kid that I didn't really have anything in common with.  I did not dislike you, you did not upset me, but I never had anything to talk to you about so I didn't talk to you.  That is just me.

If you will recall, we had a bit of a disagreement not long after you graduated from high school and began your transition to what I classify as the typical freshman frat boy.  When you started showing a guiltless, racist attitude towards some serious topics, my opinion of you declined rapidly and I chose not to have anything to do with you anymore.  Now that is two strikes against you in my personal playbook.  I hate frats and I hate racists.  The former is your life decision and while I do actually have friends that were/are in frats, I would not consider any of them to be my closest friends.  Before this turns into a post that looks like I'm just flaming you for the things I don't like, my point is this:  I don't like you and it has nothing to do with any history of this clan or any other.  If I am able to dislike you this easily, perhaps people that know you better and for a longer time are not completely off their rockers.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2008, 05:23:28 pm »
Now, I certainly don't agree with a non-designated-moderator-of-a-member's-forum trashing a thread within a member's forum.  But I'm also not a leader anymore, and my influence extends only so far as I care to flex my voice.  I don't know how you can know with certainty who trashed your thread; I can't, and I'm a member here.
I'm ok with saying that I did that.

I normally won't moderate members' forums, except by accident, but Trust has posted multiple anti-x86 threads in CrAz3d's forum for the purpose of inciting problems. I thought it was important that they be trashed before they caused a bigger issue, so I did. Same with this thread, which was posted in CrAz3'd forum -- I moved it to general because it didn't really belong in a personal forum.

CrAz3d -- I'll move any of the three threads back, if for some reason you want them.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 05:25:16 pm »
I agree and disagree with trust.  Many of his posts I can see being offensive if you're on the recieving end.  I'm often on the recieving end of many offensive posts here, but I either fire back or brush it off.  Trust does tend to spark things, but I've yet to see anything AT ALL that justifies banning him (at all).

iago, you talked about trust's "ban rabbit post."  By deleting it you were responding to him.  You very much "fed the troll" whether you intended to or not.  Even though we know trust's intentions aren't exactly to ban rabbit because of XXXX, trust might have some sort of valid point about non-members requesting bans.  Maybe we should amend the rules.
I believe that it's best to let small 'rebellion' difuse on its own accord, not try to stop it ... unless there is a real threat that is.

As for insulting posts ... might I suggest you read rabbit's post where he attacks trust on a personal level.  This thread isn't even about me and he has taken steps to indirectly insult me.  I don't think it's fair to ask something of non-members we can't ask of ourselves (I'll be the first to admit I'll attack people personally, but not usually with the ferocity rabbit does)

Trust, you're an idiot.  Here's what you're doing:
1. You provoke and insult people of Group A
2. Group 1, the leaders of Group A, punish you (the 24 hour ban)
3. You complain to Group A that Group A sucks and is being unfair and that you demand better treatment

Now, with your logic, we should all listen to you otherwise we're queerdo Canadian liberal pussies.  In actuality, complaining to a group about the SAME group is stupid.

It's been said several times already in this thread, but I'll say it again, and not as sugarcoatedly as the others have said it: You're not being banned because you have different opinions, you're being banned because you're a self-centered asshole.

If you don't believe me, then look at it this way:
1. You and CrAz3D have almost the same opinions
2. You're an ass, CrAz3D [usually] isn't
3. CrAz3D is a MEMBER, so even when he IS an ass, we put up with it, because it's not his norm and we understand that
4. You're a CANCER.  No matter what treatment we apply, you come back and often times worse than before

Do you see the logic yet?

Stop complaining and pushing your double standards on us (like iago said, no matter what we do you're the innocent victim and we're the evil conspiratorial government or something) and SHUT THE FUCK UP.  Learn to live with people not liking you when you insult and belittle them.

Quote from: MyndFyre
I like Rule a lot less even than CrAz3D
I feel the love in the air!   :D!!!  hehe

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2008, 06:01:49 pm »
I think this is the result of really a lot of things. No single event, or even handful of events can be blamed.

There's the downlfall of e1, the birth of x86, bad blood for Trust, and probably equal bad blood for founding members (minus me of course, no one is this foolish) as just a few of the main causes.

I really think, that these outlined causes while they hold weight in as to why some of the anger is there do not tell the whole story. A lot of this is also from assumptions of continued hatred on both sides, which therefore fuels more hatred, and as a result even more hatred on the side of Trust.

Maybe there's a possibility that one side began not to hate the other as much as he originally did. We've been here a while, and past grudges may not have at one point been held anymore. The problem is, there may of been a lack of communication, and the continuous hatred by one side oblivious to what was going on may of been enough to keep the conflict alive.

There's probably no doubt that either side has invited themselves for insults, that's a given. The problem is, most of this is a reaction to something prior and it just keeps gaining momentum and volume like a snowball going down a snowy mountain side. It's hard to see just exactly what triggered the snow ball, but that's irrelevant. The problem now is that it's still rolling on.

People have personal vendettas against Trust, and I'm sure Trust has had intentions of bringing out a rise in plenty of people. The problem here, is that in seemingly unrelated topics there is an inevitable provocation by either or both sides to join the flame war.

It's getting tiring, mostly because not only don't I give a flying shit if anyone's opinion get's hurt, but I also become annoyed by the constant back and forth almost childish like attitudes employed by both sides.

No one is right, both sides are wrong in one or more places. This is more like the "one day a long time ago that kid would not let me play with his ball so he cant come in the sandbox with us"

That would be sort of logical if the kids in the sandbox were not 40 year old males who should of dropped it years ago.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2008, 06:20:18 pm »
First off, when I met Trust, I liked him fine.  Second, my thread was not full of insults, it was full of my recent observations of Trust's behavior.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2008, 06:26:31 pm »
"You're an asshole"
"You're CANCER"
"You're an ass"

... those aren't insults?  Surely they're not compliments and they are definitely comments towards Trust as a personal, not a criticism of him or his ideas.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2008, 06:30:45 pm »
iago, you talked about trust's "ban rabbit post."  By deleting it you were responding to him.  You very much "fed the troll" whether you intended to or not.  Even though we know trust's intentions aren't exactly to ban rabbit because of XXXX, trust might have some sort of valid point about non-members requesting bans.  Maybe we should amend the rules.
I believe that it's best to let small 'rebellion' difuse on its own accord, not try to stop it ... unless there is a real threat that is.
Well, that's a tricky one. If I had done nothing, there would have been replies, arguments, fights, etc. By moving it to the Trash, it tells him that that type of thing is unwanted.

When I used to backstab people in Starcraft, the very worst was when they left the game or didn't say anything. Trashing the posts silently is, to me, the same as leaving the game silently. It's still a reaction, just not the one you hoped for.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2008, 06:32:31 pm »
First off, "You're an ass" and "You're an asshole" don't count as two separate insults.  Second, neither of the two were INSULTS, as I said before.  If you see somebody being an ass, are you going to think they are an ass?  Yes.  I see Trust being an ass all over the forums, so that's what I think, and you know I speak (type?) my mind.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2008, 06:39:38 pm »
iago, you talked about trust's "ban rabbit post."  By deleting it you were responding to him.  You very much "fed the troll" whether you intended to or not.  Even though we know trust's intentions aren't exactly to ban rabbit because of XXXX, trust might have some sort of valid point about non-members requesting bans.  Maybe we should amend the rules.
I believe that it's best to let small 'rebellion' difuse on its own accord, not try to stop it ... unless there is a real threat that is.
Well, that's a tricky one. If I had done nothing, there would have been replies, arguments, fights, etc. By moving it to the Trash, it tells him that that type of thing is unwanted.

When I used to backstab people in Starcraft, the very worst was when they left the game or didn't say anything. Trashing the posts silently is, to me, the same as leaving the game silently. It's still a reaction, just not the one you hoped for.

It's still a response.  The only way for it to die is if we all just let it die (which won't happen and still isn't happening).

rabbit, "you're an asshole" very much is an insult.  Something like "you can be obnoxious" is a criticism.  Same as iago mentioning using "you drive like a woman" as being insulting towards women instead of using terms that actually apply (like "you drive poorly").

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2008, 06:41:35 pm »
It's still a response.  The only way for it to die is if we all just let it die (which won't happen and still isn't happening).
It's the minimum possible response. I work in the industry of, basically, risk management. What's the smallest risk you can take with the biggest associated payoff? Or, in this case, how can you minimize it?

It only hasn't died because Trust doesn't want to let it die. This isn't the first time he's tried to hit x86 below the belt, and I'm sure it won't be his last time.

rabbit, "you're an asshole" very much is an insult.  Something like "you can be obnoxious" is a criticism.  Same as iago mentioning using "you drive like a woman" as being insulting towards women instead of using terms that actually apply (like "you drive poorly").
Are you saying that calling Trust an asshole is an insult toward assholes? :)

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2008, 06:42:51 pm »
So what you're saying is that my comment is an insult to anal cavaties everywhere?  You need to use logical compliments when you try to use parallelism, otherwise it doesn't work.  If it's any better:
Trust ACTS like an asshole.  Better?

Dammit iago, you stole my point...

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2008, 07:21:14 pm »
Trying to justify insulting someone is just a testament to how both sides are equally to blame.
All of this has been provoked in one way or another, at one point in time by someone.
Do you think Trust wakes up every morning and goes "Gee let me go try to kill x86!". That's comparable to the terrorist scare in America.

I think more or less the problem is that x86 (by this I mean the members most negatively affected by Trust's action) refuses to take any sort of responsibility for what they're on the receiving end of. Really, if it bothers you so much to get insulted (Judging from the fact that every time Trust breathes funny there is a ban nomination in his name), then I suggest you keep the smart ass comments / insults to yourself.

Let's grow up and cut the bullshit.

One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2008, 08:09:32 pm »
Trying to justify insulting someone is just a testament to how both sides are equally to blame.
All of this has been provoked in one way or another, at one point in time by someone.
Do you think Trust wakes up every morning and goes "Gee let me go try to kill x86!". That's comparable to the terrorist scare in America.

I think more or less the problem is that x86 (by this I mean the members most negatively affected by Trust's action) refuses to take any sort of responsibility for what they're on the receiving end of. Really, if it bothers you so much to get insulted (Judging from the fact that every time Trust breathes funny there is a ban nomination in his name), then I suggest you keep the smart ass comments / insults to yourself.

Let's grow up and cut the bullshit.

Agreed, infinitely.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2008, 08:17:51 pm »
Trying to justify insulting someone is just a testament to how both sides are equally to blame.
All of this has been provoked in one way or another, at one point in time by someone.
Do you think Trust wakes up every morning and goes "Gee let me go try to kill x86!". That's comparable to the terrorist scare in America.

I think more or less the problem is that x86 (by this I mean the members most negatively affected by Trust's action) refuses to take any sort of responsibility for what they're on the receiving end of. Really, if it bothers you so much to get insulted (Judging from the fact that every time Trust breathes funny there is a ban nomination in his name), then I suggest you keep the smart ass comments / insults to yourself.

Let's grow up and cut the bullshit.
That's a good point, but I'm going to have to disagree with that.

The reason I disagree is that I don't treat Trust differently than anybody else 99% of the time. The only times I treat him differently are times when he grabs a thread and starts tugging. It's not frequent, but once a year or so, he'll pick at something and try to cause problems, and that's when this kind of thing starts.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2008, 08:56:27 pm »
Trying to justify insulting someone is just a testament to how both sides are equally to blame.
All of this has been provoked in one way or another, at one point in time by someone.
Do you think Trust wakes up every morning and goes "Gee let me go try to kill x86!". That's comparable to the terrorist scare in America.

I think more or less the problem is that x86 (by this I mean the members most negatively affected by Trust's action) refuses to take any sort of responsibility for what they're on the receiving end of. Really, if it bothers you so much to get insulted (Judging from the fact that every time Trust breathes funny there is a ban nomination in his name), then I suggest you keep the smart ass comments / insults to yourself.

Let's grow up and cut the bullshit.
That's a good point, but I'm going to have to disagree with that.

The reason I disagree is that I don't treat Trust differently than anybody else 99% of the time. The only times I treat him differently are times when he grabs a thread and starts tugging. It's not frequent, but once a year or so, he'll pick at something and try to cause problems, and that's when this kind of thing starts.

I don't think this is aimed at you as much, the most I see is maybe some baiting or something but it's much more subtle.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2008, 10:58:32 pm »
What the fuck thread has the most insightful posts coming from the resident troll?  ???
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2008, 11:15:29 pm »
haha fuck canadians and americans

One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2008, 11:16:03 pm »
We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.

Good job calling iago unpatriotic of the US, by the way. I see what you did there.
I'd personally do as Joe suggests

You might be right about that, Joe.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2008, 11:18:31 pm »
We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.

Why do you talk for the whole clan as if there's 100% support?
Last time I checked you're one person.
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
-- from Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Trolling

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2008, 11:44:24 pm »
We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.

Good job calling iago unpatriotic of the US, by the way. I see what you did there.

wtf? Joe, this is incredibly unwarranted.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2008, 12:58:17 am »
We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.

Good job calling iago unpatriotic of the US, by the way. I see what you did there.

wtf? Joe, this is incredibly unwarranted.

Sorry, I was pissed when I typed that, but now he's crying like he didn't do anything.
I'd personally do as Joe suggests

You might be right about that, Joe.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2008, 01:07:47 am »
We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.


Isn't that a BLATANT disregard for "Members' Forum Privacy"!?

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2008, 01:15:27 am »
I think I already mentioned that there was a vote up.  That part doesn't matter.  If any fine details you don't have "rights" to are revealed, though, then we have a problem.  I don't think it's against the rules for Joe to say what he did.  I certainly don't have a problem with it, anyway.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2008, 01:16:44 am »
Notice: Trust hasn't replied to this thread haha


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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2008, 09:32:46 am »
Notice: Trust hasn't replied to this thread haha

True story. Classes started yesterday and then I had other stuff to do, so I didn't get a chance. Plus, there really hasn't been anything that I needed to reply to. I said what I wanted to say. Anyway, I just read the thread,  in it's entirety, and this is by far my favorite post and the one that I agree with the most:

Trying to justify insulting someone is just a testament to how both sides are equally to blame.
All of this has been provoked in one way or another, at one point in time by someone.
Do you think Trust wakes up every morning and goes "Gee let me go try to kill x86!". That's comparable to the terrorist scare in America.

I think more or less the problem is that x86 (by this I mean the members most negatively affected by Trust's action) refuses to take any sort of responsibility for what they're on the receiving end of. Really, if it bothers you so much to get insulted (Judging from the fact that every time Trust breathes funny there is a ban nomination in his name), then I suggest you keep the smart ass comments / insults to yourself.

Let's grow up and cut the bullshit.

I don't have time to go through the posts or thread point-by-point because I have class soon but I'll try a brief overview. Contrary to how iago thinks I feel, I don't have any grudge towards x86. I also don't try to think of ways to kill x86, or anything else. I have no problems with x86...I did before  (I guess it was 2004 early 2005?) but stuff means nothing to me now. Sometimes Newby and I think back to important events in bnet history and some of the fun stuff that happened, but other than that I could care less. jbi, xL, vL, x86, e1, etc. none of it means much now. You flatter yourselves when you think x86 takes up so much of my life, but it really doesn't.

We're in a voting process to ban you right now, and I voted yes. In the time you have remaining, quit trolling and being a douchebag, and we'll possibly consider letting you come back when you grow up.

That's amazing. I've been on the voting block before and I'm still here, but if I'm not so lucky this time then so be it. As I just said x86 doesn't take up that much of my life, especially when I'm in school. If I'm banned, oh well. It's not going to matter to me because I talk on AIM with people from here that I want to talk to anyway.

First off, when I met Trust, I liked him fine.  Second, my thread was not full of insults, it was full of my recent observations of Trust's behavior.

Until I posted a video about killing rabbits on Grow up.

Quote from: iago
So the post before that one insults the Canadian members (me and Blaze), and the second insults Sidoh directly. Now, is there a pattern? Yes -- those are the three leaders.

So the question is raised, are you directly trying to piss off the leaders? Perhaps. Why? To destabilize the clan? The only thing after insulting the leaders would be to find a way of getting yourself banned (spamming is a good way). Then, once that happens, post a thread that can't possibly be argued (hey, look at this!).

To be honest, that was unintentional. I didn't know who the leaders were until I read that. I'm not trying to destabilize the clan. I just don't like rabbit because of some reasons he's also displayed in this thread and I wanted to see who else disliked him.

Quote from: Sidoh
I'm not sure how you can claim how some people unjustifiably favor Rule over crazed.

CrAz3D and especially I get in trouble, Rule doesn't.

Quote from: rabbit
Learn to live with people not liking you when you insult and belittle them.

I'm not going to mention your numerous insults because CrAz3D already said what I would say. But believe me, I could care less if people on an internet message board dislike me.

Quote from: MyndFyre
Trust, I've been against banning you from the start.  I've been one of the more staunch defenders of you, in fact.

Thanks, I appreciate that. I have no problems with you, just for the record.

Quote from: Chavo
If you will recall, we had a bit of a disagreement not long after you graduated from high school and began your transition to what I classify as the typical freshman frat boy

To be honest, I don't know who you are or what disagreement we had. I'm not in a fraternity, and can't be at this time due to how my schools fraternity system is setup. I don't know what gave you the impression that I had pledged anywhere yet, but I haven't.

Quote from: Joe
Sorry, I was pissed when I typed that, but now he's crying like he didn't do anything.

I'm not crying.


Basically here is where I stand: I don't have a problem with most people here (even iago, we used to talk a lot back in the day..I just disagree with the hypocrisy in your moderation). I also don't have a problem with x86 as a group, just certain members who continually bait me, and in response I get in trouble. rabbit comes to mind. I'm not innocent in provoking controversy, and I don't claim to be...I just don't think I'm alone in it or the worst offender.

If I'm banned, then so be it. I know iago had no choice in leaving this thread open, but I'm glad he kept it open and allowed for people to respond. I apologize for not being able to respond on more of the "deeper" points in this thread, I just don't have the time this morning.

(btw the edit is because I accidentally hit post, I didn't change anything)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 09:41:59 am by Trust »

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2008, 12:54:26 pm »
Although I don't contribute to these boards and intertwine myself in the community's politics as much as some, from my point of view I really don't see much of what Trust is complaining about, and I'm glad.  Sounds like too much useless drama for me.  I hate drama, IRL, don't need it online.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 12:58:35 pm by Michael »
I tend to edit my topics and replies frequently.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2008, 02:24:33 pm »
CrAz3D and especially I get in trouble, Rule doesn't.
Not true. I've talked to Rule offline more than once about his behaviour. And he's also been up for a ban in recent history. I also sent a warning recently to somebody for constantly making fun of CrAz3d. I try not to be biased, but it's impossible to be completely impartial. So if you see a problem, report the post or PM me and I'll do what I can.

(btw the edit is because I accidentally hit post, I didn't change anything)
Lies, that line totally wasn't there.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2008, 02:54:16 pm »
However, this thread is probably one of the most thought out and best threads I've ever read. I congratulate you, Trust.

I think most of what Trust claims in his original post is false.  He may think he's treated unfairly, but that's him being narcissistic, in my opinion.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2008, 06:06:37 pm »
However, this thread is probably one of the most thought out and best threads I've ever read. I congratulate you, Trust.

I think most of what Trust claims in his original post is false.  He may think he's treated unfairly, but that's him being narcissistic, in my opinion.

Maybe its fairly hard to notice if a non-member is being treated unfairly if you're a member. I don't know about Michael, but I've seen things that could be interpreted as bias towards a lot of nonmembers and some members, especially from people such as rabbit. However, I assume that this is the natural order of things and that I think Trust is magnifying the situation a bit too much. The hostility and aggression on these boards take many forms, and only rarely is it blatant (again, I cite rabbit). Rather, it is a much more subtle personal attack that might be hard for third parties to identify. For example, I can admit that many people have problems with things that Trust says (he some things that can be construed as downright racist), however he, and I guess some people like Joe, are attacked much more often for it. Essentially, minor flaws in what they say are revealed and repudiated much more often than in let's say, iago's posts.

Just my subjective observations.  8)
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2008, 06:20:44 pm »
CrAz3D and especially I get in trouble, Rule doesn't.
Not true. I've talked to Rule offline more than once about his behaviour. And he's also been up for a ban in recent history. I also sent a warning recently to somebody for constantly making fun of CrAz3d. I try not to be biased, but it's impossible to be completely impartial. So if you see a problem, report the post or PM me and I'll do what I can.
Not to get involved, but Rule requested to be banned so he could focus on school.  I can't think of any time Rule came and told me how he got banned from the forum other than that one instance.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2008, 06:30:11 pm »
He wasn't banned by a vote because the vote [barely] failed.

Anyway, I like how everyone says I'm the biggest ass just because I'm the least passive agressive.  Kindly die, preferably with lots of gore and a webcam recording everything.  I've said it many times: if you have a problem with me, talk to me, don't just sit around waiting for a thread like this and go "rabbit this, rabbit this blah blah fucking blah".  I'm not going to be a scapegoat, and if you think you can make me one I'll fucking kill you.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2008, 06:37:10 pm »
He wasn't banned by a vote because the vote [barely] failed.

My guess is that in December, Antivirus made a thread requesting that I be banned. 

I wish I hadn't been brought into this thread.  Trust, I've never said anything about your facility with algebra.  You've often pulled yourself into arguments I've had with other people, by reacting to my posts as though they had been directed towards you.  I also try not to get into political debates, and I haven't suggested that anyone is bad at algebra because they are bad at something else.  If you've interpreted otherwise, then I am making my position clear now.  There's no need to fight about it; I don't want to fight.

In any case, I don't have a problem with Trust, I would not want him to be banned, and I would have preferred not to have been dragged into this.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 09:34:22 pm by Rule »

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2008, 06:40:50 pm »
He wasn't banned by a vote because the vote [barely] failed.

Anyway, I like how everyone says I'm the biggest ass just because I'm the least passive agressive.  Kindly die, preferably with lots of gore and a webcam recording everything.  I've said it many times: if you have a problem with me, talk to me, don't just sit around waiting for a thread like this and go "rabbit this, rabbit this blah blah fucking blah".  I'm not going to be a scapegoat, and if you think you can make me one I'll fucking kill you.

Heh, I have no problem with stating it. You're kind of an asshole, meaning you're verbally aggressive, insult often, and lack care for the aforementioned two problems. However, only reason I mentioned it here is because it directly relates to the topic at hand. You're not a scapegoat, but it's my personal opinion that you're blind to how irrationally caustic you truly are. But let me reiterate, I didn't bring this up just to attack you or anything.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2008, 06:49:30 pm »
He wasn't banned by a vote because the vote [barely] failed.

Anyway, I like how everyone says I'm the biggest ass just because I'm the least passive agressive.  Kindly die, preferably with lots of gore and a webcam recording everything.  I've said it many times: if you have a problem with me, talk to me, don't just sit around waiting for a thread like this and go "rabbit this, rabbit this blah blah fucking blah".  I'm not going to be a scapegoat, and if you think you can make me one I'll fucking kill you.

Heh, I have no problem with stating it. You're kind of an asshole, meaning you're verbally aggressive, insult often, and lack care for the aforementioned two problems. However, only reason I mentioned it here is because it directly relates to the topic at hand. You're not a scapegoat, but it's my personal opinion that you're blind to how irrationally caustic you truly are. But let me reiterate, I didn't bring this up just to attack you or anything.

Don't be too harsh on the bunny, I dont think rabbits usually have the thought capacity to express themselves in a meaningful way ... that's probably why he resorts to calling everyone assholes. ;)

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2008, 07:17:11 pm »
CrAz3D and especially I get in trouble, Rule doesn't.
Not true. I've talked to Rule offline more than once about his behaviour. And he's also been up for a ban in recent history. I also sent a warning recently to somebody for constantly making fun of CrAz3d. I try not to be biased, but it's impossible to be completely impartial. So if you see a problem, report the post or PM me and I'll do what I can.
Not to get involved, but Rule requested to be banned so he could focus on school.  I can't think of any time Rule came and told me how he got banned from the forum other than that one instance.
I didn't say he was banned, I said that he was up for a ban (as in, a ban was suggested), and more than once I've privately talked to him.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2008, 07:53:24 pm »
@Deuce, I know exactly how mean I am and how much of an ass I am, but if you aren't an idiot you should never see my rage directed at you.

@CrAz3D, weren't you the one that called me out for insulting Trust?  Don't be a 4 year old for your entire post, at least try to respond in a MEANINGFUL way.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2008, 07:57:27 pm »
@Deuce, I know exactly how mean I am and how much of an ass I am, but if you aren't an idiot you should never see my rage directed at you.

@CrAz3D, weren't you the one that called me out for insulting Trust?  Don't be a 4 year old for your entire post, at least try to respond in a MEANINGFUL way.

That's irrelevant. The only part that matters is that the mud was flung, so it's more often than not a provoked response.
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2008, 08:03:08 pm »
@Deuce, I know exactly how mean I am and how much of an ass I am, but if you aren't an idiot you should never see my rage directed at you.

@CrAz3D, weren't you the one that called me out for insulting Trust?  Don't be a 4 year old for your entire post, at least try to respond in a MEANINGFUL way.

But if I don't stoop to your level how are you ever to understand me? ???

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2008, 08:04:53 pm »
@Deuce, I know exactly how mean I am and how much of an ass I am, but if you aren't an idiot you should never see my rage directed at you.

@CrAz3D, weren't you the one that called me out for insulting Trust?  Don't be a 4 year old for your entire post, at least try to respond in a MEANINGFUL way.

But if I don't stoop to your level how are you ever to understand me? ???
When I insult you, I insult you.  When you insult me, you make stupid metaphorical relations about me to someone else.  How is what you did on my level?

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2008, 09:45:42 am »
He wasn't banned by a vote because the vote [barely] failed.

Anyway, I like how everyone says I'm the biggest ass just because I'm the least passive agressive.  Kindly die, preferably with lots of gore and a webcam recording everything.  I've said it many times: if you have a problem with me, talk to me, don't just sit around waiting for a thread like this and go "rabbit this, rabbit this blah blah fucking blah".  I'm not going to be a scapegoat, and if you think you can make me one I'll fucking kill you.

I read through this entire post and my opinion of rabbit hasn't changed one bit.  He's always been an asshole and always will.  I think he's simply in x86 because he's been in the "crowd" for awhile.  His constant insults to everyone on the forums is irritating, he's one of the reasons I've stopped looking through most of the forums on a daily basis like I used to.  Why is he an x86 leader?  Who the hell knows.  What does anyone see in him?  Who the hell knows.  Why does him threatening to kill someone because of something said over the internet?  Who knows, but what I do know is this:  he will keep getting away with being disrespectful to everyone and nothing can change that.  Honestly, I've never known most of the people on here to the extent that I would have liked to, but that doesn't change the fact that I do notice these things and that they do irritate me, probably more than they should.
[23:04:34] <deadly7[x86]> Newby[x86]
[23:04:35] <deadly7[x86]> YOU ARE AN EMO
[23:04:39] <Newby[x86]> shush it woman

[17:53:31] InsaneJoey[e2] was banned by x86 (GO EAT A BAG OF FUCK ASSHOLE (randomban)).

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Put it this way Joe... you're on my Buddy List... if there's no one else on an you're the only one, I'd rather talk to myself.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #49 on: January 18, 2008, 10:25:52 am »
I agree. This is a communist forum!

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2008, 10:31:09 am »
Why is he an x86 leader?

rabbit is not a leader.
I have a programming folder, and I have nothing of value there

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2008, 10:33:08 am »
rabbit is making murder threats. You should ban her.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2008, 10:51:55 am »
rabbit is making murder threats. You should ban her.

rabbit's not a chick.  That was Topaz.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2008, 11:29:12 am »
Why is he an x86 leader?

rabbit is not a leader.

Wasn't he?  Or was he recently voted in?  Like I said, I don't read through these forums as much as I used to.
[23:04:34] <deadly7[x86]> Newby[x86]
[23:04:35] <deadly7[x86]> YOU ARE AN EMO
[23:04:39] <Newby[x86]> shush it woman

[17:53:31] InsaneJoey[e2] was banned by x86 (GO EAT A BAG OF FUCK ASSHOLE (randomban)).

Quote from: Ergot
Put it this way Joe... you're on my Buddy List... if there's no one else on an you're the only one, I'd rather talk to myself.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2008, 11:54:35 am »
Why is he an x86 leader?

rabbit is not a leader.

Wasn't he?  Or was he recently voted in?  Like I said, I don't read through these forums as much as I used to.

No, never.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2008, 12:53:36 pm »
I'm glad some people also see what it is I see.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2008, 01:48:57 pm »
Why is he an x86 leader?

rabbit is not a leader.

Wasn't he?  Or was he recently voted in?  Like I said, I don't read through these forums as much as I used to.

No, never.

Yeah, rabbit's been in the clan for at least a year or two, and he's never been a leader.

Maybe you should watch the forums more frequently? :P

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2008, 02:39:27 pm »
It's not my fault if you do things that make me insult you.  Anyway, I don't get away with constant insults, and I do know when I go overboard (usually).  You have yet to contact me in an attempt to resolve any disagreements we've had, so until you do, shut the hell up and don't complain.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2008, 02:42:36 pm »
It's not my fault if you do things that make me insult you.  Anyway, I don't get away with constant insults, and I do know when I go overboard (usually).  You have yet to contact me in an attempt to resolve any disagreements we've had, so until you do, shut the hell up and don't complain.

It's their fault that you attack them?  They may provoke you, but it's up to you to conjure enough self control to reply in a sensible fashion. :p

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2008, 02:49:09 pm »
It's not my fault if you do things that make me insult you.  Anyway, I don't get away with constant insults, and I do know when I go overboard (usually).  You have yet to contact me in an attempt to resolve any disagreements we've had, so until you do, shut the hell up and don't complain.

"It's not my fault if you do things that make me shoot you with a gun.  Clearly it's not my fault; the bullet manufacturer sold me the bullet, the gun manufacturer sold me the gun, and you're a douche."
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2008, 03:08:28 pm »
Actually, there's a difference between calling someone an ass and shooting them.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2008, 03:15:48 pm »
Actually, there's a difference between calling someone an ass and shooting them.

Duh, but it's a legitimate analogy. :P

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2008, 10:48:26 pm »
Actually, there's a difference between calling someone an ass and shooting them.
The result is different, but the chain of reasoning is the same.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2008, 08:53:37 am »
Not really...
Someone is an ass -> "You're an ass"
X -> "Pull trigger"


You're being an ass -> I'm going to call you an ass
would require
You're being shot -> I'm going to shoot you
to have a parallel set of logic.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2008, 10:45:46 am »
Actually, there's a difference between calling someone an ass and shooting them.
The result is different, but the chain of reasoning is the same.
Like rabbit sort of said, if somebody really is an ass and you call them an ass, that isn't (and can't be) parallel to shooting somebody.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2008, 11:19:40 am »
Rabbit said "It's not my fault X because you Y"
X can be "insult you" if Y is "are an ass"

X can be "shoot you" if Y is "are an ass"

Same difference

p.s. Then he goes on saying that it is whomever's responsibility to stop him from X ... just as MyndFyre said about bullet/gun companies

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2008, 11:39:55 am »
CrAz3D is absolutely right, except replace "right" with "wrong".  It's not at all alike.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2008, 11:46:14 am »
CrAz3D is absolutely right, except replace "right" with "wrong".  It's not at all alike.


Sure little Bunny, say whatever you need to make yourself feel better ;)

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2008, 11:51:59 am »
You're all missing the point. You can argue this little shit back and fourth all you want, or you can look at the bottom line I outlined in my posts.

Justifying something off topic, still makes you wrong.
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2008, 12:20:36 pm »
I'll justify you all night long, baby.

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2008, 12:35:01 pm »
Okay, stop going off-topic in a serious thread, people.
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...

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Re: The x86 Dictatorship
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2008, 02:15:21 pm »
Okay, stop going off-topic in a serious thread, people.
This thread is serious business.
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow