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It's Pi day!

(1/4) > >>

Holy crap, I almost forgot. Go eat some PIE!!!!

Happy [tex]\pi[/tex] day! :D

I'm sad I forgot to count down to 1:59:26. :(


--- Quote from: Sidoh on March 14, 2008, 06:48:27 pm ---Happy [tex]\pi[/tex] day! :D

I'm sad I forgot to count down to 1:59:26. :(

--- End quote ---

I remembered! I yelled "lawl" at 1:59.26 PM.

Edit: also 3-14-15 @ 9:26:53 is going to be epic. Too bad the world's ending on 12-21-12 =(. Hopefully we'll have time machines to jump forward to 2015 by then...

Also, 3-14-1592 @ 6:53:58 must have been nuts. I'm sure something crazy happened. I should probably go to sleep.... Hmm.


--- Quote from: leet_muffin on March 15, 2008, 02:24:00 am ---I remembered! I yelled "lawl" at 1:59.26 PM.

--- End quote ---

I was in a math class, but we were too busy learning math to pay attention to the time. :)

When is mole day?  June 22nd?  I dont recall.


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