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x86 on IRC

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I know we've said this before, but I promise this time: we have a permanent channel. Probably. In any case, it's a server I've been on for about 5 months now, and I'm not about to go off it (I hang out with real life friends), so I'll always be there for sure.

Server: Freenode (
Channel: #x86labs

Join me there! Hang around! And whatever!

/msg chanserv access #x86labs add rabbit 10


If you register your names with NickServ, I can give you auto-voice (non-members) or auto-ops (members).

--- Code: ---/msg NickServ REGISTER password
--- End code ---

What's the difference between ops and half-ops? Giving non-member forum regulars half-ops might be ok.


--- Quote from: iago on April 14, 2008, 12:03:45 am ---What's the difference between ops and half-ops? Giving non-member forum regulars half-ops might be ok.

--- End quote ---

What a brilliant idea. Wonder who thought of it...

--- Quote ---21:02 <@newbyx86> Hm.
21:02 <@warriorx86> haha
21:02 <@newbyx86> We could half-op the non-members.
21:02 <+DeuceNQuota> Newby, you know you can d/l porn from usenet right :P
21:02 <@warriorx86> anyone remember my porn stash
21:02 <@warriorx86> from a few years ago
21:02 <@warriorx86> in op x86
--- End quote ---


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