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x86 on IRC

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i doubt they're stored in plain-text. the protocol being plain-text doesn't mean that they have to be stored that way, either. it just depends what services they're using. but yeah, like newby said, it's just a nickname on a large public irc network - choose something that you don't mind if somebody else found it out.

Get rid of the stupid fucking "you need to be identified to join that channel."

I like requiring identification, and it's not like it's difficult to identify.

All members should review the clan's channel rules.


--- Quote from: Joe on April 17, 2008, 01:44:01 am ---All members should review the clan's channel rules.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Official channel is "op x86" on

--- End quote ---
woot, it's not the offical x86 channel, everyone kick joe!


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