Author Topic: To Mr Ender  (Read 2389 times)

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Offline GameSnake

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To Mr Ender
« on: April 14, 2008, 04:45:19 pm »
[16:24] Josh2xx: hey
[16:24] Josh2xx: how ya doin?
[16:24] sparky71989: ok
[16:25] Josh2xx: k
[16:40] Josh2xx: i love you man
[16:40] sparky71989: y
[16:41] Josh2xx: cause your you
[16:41] sparky71989: thx
[16:41] sparky71989: you should post this in my forum
[16:41] sparky71989: so i can remember it
[16:41] Josh2xx: would you like to fuck my sister?
[16:41] Josh2xx: which forum is that?
[16:41] sparky71989: my birdhouse
[16:41] Josh2xx: x86labs?
[16:41] sparky71989: no man i don't do friend's sisters
[16:41] sparky71989: its in bad taste
[16:41] sparky71989: yes
[16:42] Josh2xx: ok i will