Announcements > [x86] Announcements

Yeah yeah (downtime)

(1/2) > >>

We've been having an icestorm today. It knocked out the power to my apartment long enough to kill my laptop battery, nevermind my non-UPSed server.

Anyway, everything seems to have come back up. Let me know if you run into any problems.

(Note that this is the first time since Christmas that anything has broken :D)

I'd UPS the server. C'mon, a day without x86 is like a day without air. :P

A UPS wouldn't have made a difference, since it was off long enough to kill my laptop's battery.

"What can Brown do for you?"

I missed x86 while at work and out of class earlier!


--- Quote from: CrAz3D on April 24, 2008, 08:06:21 pm ---"What can Brown do for you?"

--- End quote ---

In this case, UPS stood for Uninterrupted Power Supply, not United Parcel Service.  :P


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