Author Topic: age of conan  (Read 33202 times)

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Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2008, 04:29:45 pm »

Then I call your methodology into question, rendering your conclusion worthless. Err, worthlesser.

Then I call your methodology into question, rendering your conclusion worth.... err, feeling some serious deja vu here...

get out
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Re: age of conan
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2008, 04:31:12 pm »
Yeah, Blizzard allows you to download the full client from their website.

Sure, WoW has millions of subscribers... four years later. AoC has been retail for one week. Their launch went insanely smooth, with only one period of extended down time. The game gets a little credit from me, for that. Especially when I recall WoW's launch, which ended up being so poor that Blizzard decided to give subscribers a free monoth of game time.

When it comes to AoC's PvE content, there's plenty. At launch the game included like 4-5 level 80 dungeons, and like 20 or so in grand total. This is all for a game thats main focus was PvP anyways. We're not even including guild keeps, and siege combat - player keeps are being implemented soon.

With all of these good things to look forward to, though, they're still all overshadowed by the fact that it's FunCom running the show. FunCom plain sucks when it comes to customer relations. They've got a horrible track record with this, too. Sadly, it's starting to look no different than what I've heard about AO. They also did a bait-and-switch with the DX10 functionality. They marketed the game as some huge DX10 thing, and the day before retail launch, they announced that it doesn't even have DX10 functionality yet, but will in a few months.

Although Warrior is comparing a game that has been out for four years, and is made by probably the most respected game writing company there is to a game that has been out for a week, by FunCom... I do agree that if AoC does not fix some things quickly, and if FunCom doesn't do some sort of damage control, then WotLK will be the nail in the coffin for this game. Also, that AoC probably won't ever reach the success that WoW has reached. I've also heard tons of good things about WAR, with its RvR combat.

Edit: Still, though... WoW is just the same shit, another day kind of thing. It's so old and repetitive that I can't even stand it. So I doubt I'll even be trying the expansion. I'm looking forward to Warhammer.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 04:34:57 pm by warz » - web based markup debugger

Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2008, 05:10:26 pm »
Sure, WoW has millions of subscribers... four years later. AoC has been retail for one week. Their launch went insanely smooth, with only one period of extended down time. The game gets a little credit from me, for that. Especially when I recall WoW's launch, which ended up being so poor that Blizzard decided to give subscribers a free monoth of game time.

That's not the point, the point is that the subscriber base (which is very loyal) will snuff the life out of Age of Conan's potential lead come Wrath of the Lich King. I pointed out that Burning Crusade sold 2.4 million in 24 hours, and since then the games base has grown by about 4 million.

Use this to draw your own conclusions.

When it comes to AoC's PvE content, there's plenty. At launch the game included like 4-5 level 80 dungeons, and like 20 or so in grand total. This is all for a game thats main focus was PvP anyways. We're not even including guild keeps, and siege combat - player keeps are being implemented soon.

Quantity does not have priority over quality, from what I saw the PvE content looked very stale.

Although Warrior is comparing a game that has been out for four years, and is made by probably the most respected game writing company there is to a game that has been out for a week, by FunCom... I do agree that if AoC does not fix some things quickly, and if FunCom doesn't do some sort of damage control, then WotLK will be the nail in the coffin for this game. Also, that AoC probably won't ever reach the success that WoW has reached. I've also heard tons of good things about WAR, with its RvR combat.

Edit: Still, though... WoW is just the same shit, another day kind of thing. It's so old and repetitive that I can't even stand it. So I doubt I'll even be trying the expansion. I'm looking forward to Warhammer.

WoTLK looks very different, Blizzard went back to it's roots and the game is chock full of lore. The environments are HUGE (Again, northrend is over 2x larger than outlands by my calculations) and judging just from the world design the game is poised to be a much better expansion than Burning Crusade.

I'm extremely impressed with the graphical quality of WoW in the expansions, they added a bunch of new shaders for things like ice and fire which look phenomenal.

Also, if you have not done so -- I suggest you read up on how they're changing raiding with WoTLK.

Either way, I'm not saying I hate Age of Conan -- in fact I'm quite impressed by it. The problem is that it had some very bad timing so it will need to gather it's own niche market quickly before Wrath completely wipes it off the internet.
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Re: age of conan
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2008, 05:15:18 pm »
Age of Conan?  More like Age of Guildwars 2.
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2008, 05:41:34 pm »
I should mention that the release of WotLK will have no effect on my decision.  I'm only playing for the summer.  I'll have 0 time once school starts back up again, as I'll probably have the busiest semester I've ever had.

Either way, I bought AoC, so I'll be giving it a try shortly.  I may or may not renew my WoW account too.  If I do, I'll make a new thread in the WoW boards to see what servers people are on.

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2008, 05:44:24 pm »
eh, only time will tell. but that's still almost half a year of time... in which i'll be playing aoc. :P - web based markup debugger

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2008, 08:48:11 pm »
Wrath of the Lich King. Age of Conan will be a distant memory by then.
What does WoTLK have that AoC doesn't already?

about 9.5 million people
Yeah, disregard the fact that that's spread out across the entire world. Content wise however it has nothing.

ps you're wrong

just to prove how wrong you are I did a survey:

(5:13:00 PM) Warrior: so WOTLK.. great expansion or greatest expansion
(5:13:10 PM) Medon (WoW): greatest.

100% of the people I asked agree with me. 0% agree with you.

1. Says you.
2. That's...not...funny. Sorry.

WoW doesn't exactly have a lot of instance content if you actually use your head and think about it. Since Naxx there has been nothing new as far as boss fights go, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that seeing as though you've never been into Naxx. Much less attuned for it.

Also, as far as "stale" content goes, the raids in AoC actually keep you moving, it's not "hey lets sit around for 10 minutes between each pull waiting for health to regen". You're CONSTANTLY pulling mobs, and constantly fighting something. There's no time to go "afk" for a few minutes to take a shit.

Blaze: Guild Wars and AoC are nothing a like, I have them both, trust me.

Offline warz

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2008, 09:33:01 pm »
aoc does provide a full world atmosphere. you just have to get out of the 1-20 newbie zone before you see it. ive been running around questing all day, and hardly remember the last time i changed zones. servers are going down early tomorrow morning, again, for another patch and more server fixes - can't wait to see what they fixed.

the aoc forums are hilarious, though. i could easily spend hours on there hitting refresh every 10 seconds. so many troll posts going on right now. it's like the battle of the trolls - even warrior would be highly outtrolled.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 09:39:38 pm by warz » - web based markup debugger

Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2008, 10:07:12 pm »
1. Says you.
2. That's...not...funny. Sorry.

I found it rather hilarious, you see I knew from your first response to me you'd respond in a heated manner. You took the bait quite nicely, I'm only interested in having a discussion with warz, think of the chart as me politely brushing you off.

WoW doesn't exactly have a lot of instance content if you actually use your head and think about it. Since Naxx there has been nothing new as far as boss fights go, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that seeing as though you've never been into Naxx. Much less attuned for it.

Haha, is this your way of striking back? I give you pure genius (Actually not really, I recycled this same troll from Joe -- but whatever I don't feel like coming up with new content for someone who posts here maybe once a year), and you respond with "you have not seen the same pixels I have seen".

Well played. Well not really, but after all the insults I thought a compliment of sorts was in order.

Come on, let's be realistic: You're trying to justify your spending of money on a game which will  be remembered in history as "just another MMORPG".
It's pretty cute though, so by all means go on.
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #39 on: May 26, 2008, 10:08:24 pm »
the aoc forums are hilarious, though. i could easily spend hours on there hitting refresh every 10 seconds. so many troll posts going on right now. it's like the battle of the trolls - even warrior would be highly outtrolled.

lol, so you've gone from crazy (buying Age of Conan) to outright insane (suggesting that someone actually exists who can out troll me).
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
-- from Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Trolling

Offline warz

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #40 on: May 26, 2008, 10:13:21 pm »
lol, so you've gone from crazy (buying Age of Conan) to outright insane (suggesting that someone actually exists who can out troll me).

it wasn't so long ago when you were highly pumped up about purchasing aoc, too. you've yet to witness the aoc forums, also, so you can't even comment on this. but, the wow forum trolls basically get sent back to wow because they can't even troll as good as the terribles. - web based markup debugger

Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2008, 10:18:25 pm »
lol, so you've gone from crazy (buying Age of Conan) to outright insane (suggesting that someone actually exists who can out troll me).

it wasn't so long ago when you were highly pumped up about purchasing aoc, too. you've yet to witness the aoc forums, also, so you can't even comment on this. but, the wow forum trolls basically get sent back to wow because they can't even troll as good as the terribles.

I do like AoC, but I know that it's not better than World of Warcraft -- and I know that it better get a decent user base before Wrath comes out.
Again, the mere thought of someone outclassing me in trolling is laughable. I've existed for thousands upon thousands of years with no rival, what makes this any different?
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
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Offline Screenor

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #42 on: May 26, 2008, 10:37:50 pm »
1. Says you.
2. That's...not...funny. Sorry.

I found it rather hilarious, you see I knew from your first response to me you'd respond in a heated manner. You took the bait quite nicely, I'm only interested in having a discussion with warz, think of the chart as me politely brushing you off.

WoW doesn't exactly have a lot of instance content if you actually use your head and think about it. Since Naxx there has been nothing new as far as boss fights go, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that seeing as though you've never been into Naxx. Much less attuned for it.

Haha, is this your way of striking back? I give you pure genius (Actually not really, I recycled this same troll from Joe -- but whatever I don't feel like coming up with new content for someone who posts here maybe once a year), and you respond with "you have not seen the same pixels I have seen".

Well played. Well not really, but after all the insults I thought a compliment of sorts was in order.

Come on, let's be realistic: You're trying to justify your spending of money on a game which will  be remembered in history as "just another MMORPG".
It's pretty cute though, so by all means go on.
Why would I be heated? You're the one who's raged over the whole subject. I win either way you look at it because you're arguing with me over this. :P

I could honestly care less if WoW somehow were better than AoC, but from my experience (and I have a lot of it when it comes to WoW, seeing as I started playing back in like 1.3), AoC is better. However, it did take me till I got banned from WoW to realize this, but hey, better late than never.

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #43 on: May 26, 2008, 10:38:27 pm »
This thread is pretty confusing. :)

Offline Warrior

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Re: age of conan
« Reply #44 on: May 26, 2008, 11:31:18 pm »
This thread is pretty confusing. :)

i said get out
One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
-- from Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Trolling