Now if you dont know what E3 is, its a videogame expo for all the new and wonderful games by all the big time companys., what I was really happy about was that Starcraft 2 "Not ghost" but starcrft 2 will be relased some time late 2008. I and about 250 people where the frist people outside blizzard ENT. to test the new beta. The game play is alot better then the frist along with better races and more units and upgrades. This game is campable but, it logs you into a test channel that is only aviable for blizzard reps. and beta testers. One of the new races is called Super Zerg "I dont know" but in which is basically Terrain and Zerg Fused together to make a race. This time instead of the infested marines blowing up on impact, You can have them with little auto machine guns like a regular marine. It is going to have the same feature of Warcraft 3 where you take the scroll tab on your mouse to lower the playing filed to watch them fight. I suggest you guys keep your eyes open for starcraft2.
"The site is a redirect to sorry"