I have yet to get an answer from any Obama supporter who can tell me why electing someone who is for policies that will most definitely result in increased taxes... is going to boost the economy significantly.
Giving taxes as opposed to tax breaks to big businesses who were not even asking for tax breaks in the first place, who can afford them, and who quite frankly need them.
The middle class is getting fucked because they are stuck with low wages and high taxes, the lower class is fine due to the various agencies dealing with financial aid.
Middle Class tax cuts increase available spending money, which results in an energized economy.
This coupled with getting us out of a war which is costing us trillions, and creating millions of jobs by investing in alternative energies and expanding communications across the country.
You're essentially taxing the upper class, lowering taxes on the middle class, creating more jobs, and stopping a costly war which is getting us nowhere.
Now to add on to that, factor in the tax cuts for jobs who refuse to ship oversea and for jobs who invest in alternative energy and you have yourself incentive to preserve american jobs and protect the environment.
What exactly is wrong with this picture?