Open _GameData.txt file in your .javaop folder
Find this block of code (where <drive> (usually C:) is the drive the hashes are installed on and <user> is the Windows username of the account that the bot configured to run on) [use CTRL+F in notepad and search for "w3xp" (without quotes)]:
file1=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe
file2=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/Storm.dll
file3=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/game.dll
version byte=15
version hash=01001027
file1=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe
file2=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/Storm.dll
file3=<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>/.hashes/WAR3/game.dll
version byte=15
version hash=01001027
Replace BOTH version byte's with 16
Place the
updated hashes in their respective folder (<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.hashes\WAR3 on win32 systems)
Reload JavaOP2.