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Around 20:30 CST yesterday, my Internet stopped working. At 12:30am, brutally tired, I called Shaw's support. She walked me through a bunch of nonsense involving power-cycling and unscrewing all the connectors from the wall to no avail. So she said they'd have to schedule a service call, and the earliest they could do it was Sunday. Gah!

So I went to bed, woke up, and found it working, sort of. It would work fine with my laptop, but wouldn't give an ip address to my server. Eventually, I power-cycled, and it worked fine thereafter.

Some day, I promise I'll get a proper business line with actual support. Some day. :)

<edit> Also, over the next couple weeks, I intend to update all my servers/software, so there may be periodic downtime. I'll try and keep it as short as possible.


Business cable/DSL has typically not been more reliable than consumer cable/DSL, just with static IP addresses, more upstream, as well as being much more expensve in my experience.

Likely going to be a much better use of resources to either get a VM hosted somewhere or colo some hardware of your own at a real facility.

My friends have had a good experience with local business DSL with the local ISP here. They said that, if nothing more, they get good support.

I don't really want to get a co-located box, and I really don't want to buy an actual server (I'm using a desktop). I get pretty good uptime with what I'm using now, so I'm pretty happy. Last night was the first major downtime since Christmas.

I hate you forever now. You didn't respond to my text :(


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