There are a few things concerning here.
This thould be alarming to any common Windows user, being unprotected for after full month after Microsoft put out a patch for something that's probably rather old anyway. If this is something like a Service Pack where it just covers old exploits that shouldn't be there anyway, then it's not such a big deal. But if it's like the not-so-monthly Windows Updates that would leave non-government users vulnerable for a month after their delayed release, this is definately a very bad thing.
Also, what's to say that it will be totally restrictive? Sure, only US government employees will get them, at first. But eventually things trickle down. That summer blockbuster hit that you downloaded 2 weeks before it hit theatures was donated by the same people who splice porn into childrens movies; people who aren't afraid of the law or large power-hungry corperations. These same corrupt people would allow intelligent Windows users (oxymoron?) to update that month early ('intelligent' being not only people who do update Windows..) because of the nice people in the US government who happen to have connections to the outside world.