Words that originated on latin that contain "oe" or "œ" are frequently shortened to "e" in English, the same way that æ (as in "æsthetics") is often shortened to just "a" or just "e" ("asthetics" or "esthetics"). Completely irrelevent, obviously.
I've never seen aesthetics spelled any way other than "aesthetics." I've also never seen the name Oedipus shortened to "Edipus" - that just looks stupid.
if you kill babies you kill baby jesus!
You realize that a baby isn't called a "baby" until it's born, right? Before that, it's a foetus. Using the word "baby" only confuses the issue.
CrAz3D is a retard, but I think that what iago says here is the crux of the issue. Does an unborn child have the right to life? Whether it's a fetus or baby is really irrelevant; it's whether that being, if you can call it a being, has the right to life, and does that being's right to life trump the mother's right to determine what happens within her body?
I'm only jumping in here because I think the topic is interesting and I also think this really is the only part of the debate that matters. The fact that Crazed is still posting means that the topic probably hasn't gone anywhere worthwhile yet.
At least no one has brought up anything about it being a "woman's right to choose," 'cause that's such a BS argument.
A woman having some choice over what happens within her own body? That seems reasonable.
I agree. However, there are also consequences to what a woman chooses to do with her body.
If a woman has sex, be it protected, on birth control, whatever - she assumes the risk of becoming pregnant.
Now, I don't think it's unreasonable to deprive her of the right to control what her body does when it becomes pregnant to protect another life. But that's really -- like I said in my previous post -- the crux of the issue (whether the unborn child/fetus/baby/whatever-you-want-to-label-it has the right to life).
Incidentally, while I'd prefer the option is not taken, I support the right to an abortion in cases of rape.
[edit]Combined double-post