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Downtime tomorrow (July 14, 2008)

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Smilies are @ fail? I think the favicon is a bit too racy.

And really? I think I was just auto-redirected :O! What do I win?


--- Quote from: Ergot on July 14, 2008, 10:12:54 pm ---Smilies are @ fail? I think the favicon is a bit too racy.

--- End quote ---
Oops, should be fixed now.

Haha @ the favicon.. for some reason, that icon was always in the /forum folder, but obviously it was never used. That's awesome! Anyways, I deleted it.

--- Quote from: Ergot on July 14, 2008, 10:12:54 pm ---And really? I think I was just auto-redirected :O! What do I win?

--- End quote ---
The task of making a new favicon!


^--- Looking good?


--- Quote from: Ergot on July 14, 2008, 10:45:49 pm ---[tex]x86[/tex]

^--- Looking good?

--- End quote ---
Haha, no. :)

Blaze did one, though!

Isn't that the same racy one from before :O?


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