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Downtime tomorrow (July 14, 2008)

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Facebook uses PHP; their index.php file was leaked after they failed to secure their application platform.

All right, this is done. I went with mod_php for the forum, and cgi for everything else. If it causes serious issues, it's a quick fix to change it.

I'm aware that this broke themes, I'm fixing those right away.

I'm aware that this will also break a lot of other things, please let me know. I went with the, "if I don't remember it, don't allow it" strategy, and will fix things on a case-by-case basis. :)

Oh yeah, and I moved the forum to You'll be required to log in and to remember a new URL. Deal. :)

You bitch. Should I update the RSS url as well?

Yes, you most certainly should. :P

<edit> Also, you win the award for being the first person (besides me) to access the site by its new URL. Congratulations!

MetalMilitia was a close second (10 seconds after). :)

Themes should be working now. Let me know if any aren't, or if you have other issues!


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