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A new member!

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We're expanding past vegans and carnivores. We let in a muffin. He passed 18-2-1 (Y-N-A). Welcome buddy!

That's three members from San Diego... well, two now. One of them left. And I'll be gone in September!

There are far too many Californians in the clan, something must be done.

good he didn't beat my record


--- Quote from: iago on August 17, 2008, 03:40:10 pm ---There are far too many Californians in the clan, something must be done.

--- End quote ---

If you want to even it out a bit, you can invite this Washingtonian (me) to join. ;)


--- Quote from: iago on August 17, 2008, 03:40:10 pm ---There are far too many Californians in the clan, something must be done.

--- End quote ---

Screw you, it's the best state!


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