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ender the celebrity

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i met naomi novik in person today! =)

naturally this is an occasion for glory all in itself, but i inform you with the humblest of intentions: there is more

now as my mind entertains only the noblest of thoughts, it did not dawn on me, until a long few minutes after the fact, that since she's famous, and i met her, i too am famous by association

thus in lieu of the natural order of things u must address me now as "mr. ender", "sir ender", "khan ender", "the prince of darkness", or "the fist of justice"

i will postpone my other titles in for the sake of brevity, and end this declaration of celebrity with a few quotes from our founding fathers:

"we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, except for celebrities"
one more
"and when the king lays down his sword of justice, the people are still a people, but the king no longer a king"

best wishes to my loyal servants
mr. ender
the fist of justice

oh i almost forgot

i also cleverly got some signed copies of the first book to give to friends as presents :)

I might be dyslexic, but that image is stretching it.

(I know that's not how it works, I am actually dyslexic.  :) )

Imagine the letter N, but with a red star at the bottom left corner and a blue star at the top right corner. Denote this R=BL and B=TR. Now rotate it around the plane. We can get R=TR and B=BL, but we can never get R=BR and B=TL (while preserving the N shape), which is what you get when you reflect the original N across the y-axis.

Nah, they embassy would rather knight a fucking penguin that you, no offense. (No pun intended)


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