This thread wasn't supposed to be about O'Reilly, I didn't even know who he was. More about the idea of posting illegally obtained information. Apparently, if you legally obtain information that was obtained illegally, it's still ok to post it. Obviously, that's the premise behind Wikileaks. I had no idea it worked like that!
But besides that, I still have to comment on the clips...
In every clip I've seen of him, he behaves similarly. Here's him flipping out a long time ago:
Haha, that's crazy! He acted like a complete jerk there!
Another one where he fails at debate:
That part about taking things out of context is hilarious, and completely flipped what he was saying. That's so funny!
Seems like he just repeats the same things and talks down them, in that clip, assuming things like he'd never read that book. Somebody has to say this: CrAz3d? Is that you?