Member Forums > Ender's Book Club

so, chess sex jokes

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Ender, try this pick-up line next time you're out mackin' dem hoez:

"Hey yo girl, how bout a game of chess? I'm betting my king topples your queen during"



dude i pick up girls like a lumberjack picks up wood -- effortlessly

i don't need any pickup lines

i just go up to girls, walk right past them, and then, en passant, i give a handsome wink -- and as if this wink were a common language they tag behind in no time

other times i walk right up to them and entrench myself just inches away (so that my moxie and magnanimity may become evident to all) and then i stand there a while to let a sense of wonder permeate the cool night air, until i say: "my name is w x y z the fourth, and my mojo is un-par-a-lleled"; and then they fall into my arms and say "take me away: oh! dear prince of my fancy!"

and still yet on other occasions i just give them a warm smile, and nothing more, and they are infatuated for life. how cruel a price to pay -- an undying love for me -- for i can only hold one woman to my heart at a time. how many lives of passersby have i changed indefinitely?


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