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I'm going to take the server offline for maintenance today, if I don't get lazy like last time. It needs a good cleaning under and around it.

In case anybody's wondering:
 15:09:37 up 176 days, 12:21,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.23, 0.45

*shrug* not that special, I'm not trying for a record or anything, but it's pretty decent in that respect. :)

Nooo! Don't ruin it! :(

I think the fan needs replacing, too. I think that because the fan is loud as hell and it's driving me nuts! I have to kick it to shut it up. :)

I managed to clean up what I wanted without unplugging anything, and the fan stopped rattling when I took off the case so it might have just been vibrating on something. :)


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