Member Forums > Ender's Book Club

Freedom of Speech

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So Arnold claims that the pursuit of a "best self" is the only end?  Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I wouldn't agree with this at all.  I tend to agree with Mill on what things are ends.  I think that the pursuit of a "best self" is a means to happiness.  Becoming a "better" person makes us happier, which is why we would tend to do it when possible.

In retrospect, it seems I'm jumping a bit off topic.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding.  Please cut me off if I am so we can continue getting at what you're intending to discuss.

I think I agree with your denunciation of the sanctity of liberty, after thinking about it.  If a liberty is making the whole more miserable than if it weren't present, and if it would continue to make people miserable for a long time, then I don't think it should be a liberty.


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