11:56:38.145] INFO: Trying BNLS server: bnls.valhallalegends.com
[11:56:38.153] INFO: Resolving ip for server: useast.battle.net
[11:56:38.174] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
[11:56:38.177] INFO: Choosing address 10 [useast.battle.net/]
[11:56:38.178] INFO: Attempting to connect
[11:56:38.281] INFO: Connected to /
[11:56:38.289] INFO: Trying BNLS server: bnls.valhallalegends.com
[11:56:38.298] INFO: Connected to useast.battle.net:6112
[11:56:38.302] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
[11:56:38.303] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
[11:56:38.308] INFO: Sending authorization.
[11:56:38.514] WARNING: BNLS server 'bnls.valhallalegends.com' returned an error -- this means the server might not be running.
[11:56:38.521] WARNING: The error is: java.net.SocketException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
[11:56:38.524] INFO: Attempting to use next BNLS server.
[11:56:38.530] WARNING: Out of BNLS servers, defaulting to local hashing.
[11:56:38.531] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
[11:56:38.536] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
[11:56:38.581] exceptions.InvalidVersion: CheckRevision is not supported for product STAR.
[11:56:38.586] versioning.CheckRevision.checkRevision(CheckRevision.java:51)
[11:56:38.587] versioning.Game.checkRevision(Game.java:118)
[11:56:38.592] versioning.BNLSWrapper.getVersionCheck(BNLSWrapper.java:121)
[11:56:38.599] Login.getAuthCheck(Login.java:152)
[11:56:38.604] PluginMain.processedPacket(PluginMain.java:295)
[11:56:38.607] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(PluginRegistration.java:722)
[11:56:38.611] bot.PacketThread.run(PacketThread.java:179)
On the forum in the Mac OS problems someone suggested logging with BNLS, but where in the programming of the bot would you change that and how is it written?
Any other suggestions?
Thank You