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Two Activities I'd like to Pick Up

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1. Tennis
2. Karaoke singing

Now as for #1 I have three good friends I play doubles with. We're all pretty much beginners but we at least get it over the net and our games are pretty close.

As for #2 this is just some whim of mine and I'm curious as to whether someone who's never had formal practice singing could suddenly become decent at it. I think #2 would be a good skill to know for parties, which is why I contemplate it ;P

Any tips for improving at either?


--- Quote from: Ender on September 06, 2009, 01:30:31 pm ---Any tips for improving at either?

--- End quote ---
1. Take tennis lessons.
2. Take vocal lessons.


--- Quote from: Ender on September 06, 2009, 01:30:31 pm ---Any tips for improving at either?

--- End quote ---
1. Practice.
2. Practice.


--- Quote from: Armin on September 06, 2009, 02:33:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: Ender on September 06, 2009, 01:30:31 pm ---Any tips for improving at either?

--- End quote ---
1. Take tennis lessons.
2. Take vocal lessons.

--- End quote ---

Meh... don't know if I can afford them. I do plan on playing doubles regularly with my friends though. And I actually just sang for my roommates and one of them said my voice is angelic =)

If you're still in highschool (can't remember), then take a beginner choir class. I sang in choir for two years, and it improved my voice quite a bit. Unfortunately though, I still suck. Do the same thing for tennis. Just do both whenever you can, maybe even look on youtube for technique lessons, etc. And definitely what iago said.


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