Member Forums > Ender's Book Club

Two Activities I'd like to Pick Up

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lmao no i'm a third year in college

I thought something like that, but I figured I'd check anyways. ;D

Do everything else recommend then.

For karaoke, get a 360, then get Rock Band.  Play it a lot.  Then go to a bar.

If you can't afford tennis lessons, find a friend that's decent and learn from them. Or better yet, take lessons at your college if you can fit it into your schedule.

And I suggest you put up video of your progress in karaoke singing on youtube.


--- Quote from: Balph on September 09, 2009, 10:25:16 pm ---If you can't afford tennis lessons, find a friend that's decent and learn from them. Or better yet, take lessons at your college if you can fit it into your schedule.

--- End quote ---

Well, I have a group of friends who play with me, however, none of us are quite yet "decent".

--- Quote from: Balph on September 09, 2009, 10:25:16 pm ---And I suggest you put up video of your progress in karaoke singing on youtube.

--- End quote ---

Of course. It's really what inspired me to do this in the first place. Maybe not on YouTube though. What I really had in mind was that you'd be the exclusive recipient of my recordings >_>


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