Next time I go out, I'll have to take a pic. I found it while cleaning out a dead guy's house in Chaparral, NM (basically Mexico, but just north of El Paso, TX).
It took FOREVER of cleaning out shit before I found a computer. I sorta just assume he had DSL, but no computer (would not have surprised anyone I was working with). Thing was an effing huge brick of a computer running Win95 I think (just saw documentation around).
Just for funnsies, have some pics:
Full construction dumpster. I figure 1-2 more will be filled.
This is REALLY clean from where we started. Couldnt walk through there
There was ABSOLUTELY no way to even touch that window. Dude slept on a recliner
And this porch...there was about 10 sq feet of walkable area when we started yesterday.
Look at white trailer in middle of pic. Then look at one to the right. What is on top of the roof? Yup. Body of a baby blue VW Bug from back in the day. I'll have to snap some shots of the nearby trailers that are spliced together with plywood.
Still have 4 sheds, a green house & misc shit laying around to clear out.
p.s. How unsafe is black mold exactly? The sink is scary. And what about mouse crap? It covers/ed LITERALLY everything. VERY literally. I mean fucking on top of lamps.