I need you guy's input on this. I'm thinking of revising the flag system, along with new security features.
Here's the ranks, which will be applied to the flags:
Administrator: Has all the privileges of a moderator (and therefore, safelisted), as well as the right to zaplist people, and connect/disconnect the bot. This rank can only be added or removed from the bot's console.
Moderator: Has all the privileges of a safelisted user, as well as the right to kick/ban people and add them to the banlist. This rank can only be added or removed by administrators.
Friend: Cannot be kicked except by administrators. This rank can only be added or removed by administrators or above.
Safelist: Cannot be kicked by any automatic means. This rank can only be added or removed by administrators or above.
Banlist: Will be banned upon entry, except if they also are an administrator, moderator, or are safelisted. Example, "*[x86]*" could be banlisted, and "joe[x86]" could have administrator. Therefore, "joe[x86]" would be a banlisted administrator, and not kicked. This rank can only be assigned by moderators or above.
Zaplist: Will be banned upon entry except for administrators. This rank can only be added or removed by administrators.
And the flags:
A - Administrator
B - Banlist
C - Unused
D - Unused
E - Unused
F - Friend
G - Unused
H - Unused
I - Unused
J - Unused
K - Unused
L - Unused
M - Moderator
N - Unused
O - Unused
P - Unused
Q - Unused
R - Unused
S - Safelist
T - Unused
U - Unused
V - Unused
W - Unused
X - Unused
Y - Unused
Z - Zaplist