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Router issues...

(1/8) > >>

As I told some of you, I'm away in New York right now. Naturally, since I'm out of town, that = computer problems.

I narrowed it down to my Linksys WRT54g router dropping most packets for non-established connections (but, strangely, working fine for established connections). That means that once I'm SSHed in, everything's fine.

I wish I could reboot my router remotely, but it appears that Linksys WRT54g with stock firmware doesn't let you. I've been looking for a way, but it doesn't look promising.

So, if you manage to see this before I get back on Sunday, congrats!! :)

Hurray!  :)

Did I win? I had to refresh many times to get this far.

does your wrt54g have a console interface?
You might be able to find it at Administration->Diagnostics.

If so, the "reboot" command should do the trick.

Sadness :(


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