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Router issues...

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I'm getting ready to offer to host it on the same server where lives.  Geez.

iago already turned down my offer to have it hosted on my server


--- Quote from: MyndFyre on November 07, 2009, 01:16:16 am ---I'm getting ready to offer to host it on the same server where lives.  Geez.

--- End quote ---
I think you missed the part where I'm out of town. It's hard to fix something like a broken router without physical access.

Bad luck happens. You'll get over it! :)

Ideally, someone could have set up a HTTP server that turns all requests over to your server through a tunnel, so that they're all one actual connection to your server. But oh well.

It seems to be working okay now. Did you fix something?

Yeah, I just got home and powercycled my gear (router + switch + modem). As expected, it instantly fixed everything. Woo!


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