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Server maintenance is coming!

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Oh, neat. I'll have to check that out the next time I need to download one of those.


--- Quote from: Camel on November 23, 2009, 03:11:15 pm ---Harddrives have moving parts, and the ferrous material doesn't last forever. I've yet to have a harddrive fail before I moved its data to a fresh drive, but I've had many (at least 5) harddrives that I've owned long enough for them to die of normal wear. These days, I generally only buy WD Black drives, which come with a 5 year warranty, so I imagine those ones will last much longer.

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I have owned numerous drives in my years. Even leaving computesr up 24/7 running computations/rendering/downloading/etc, my desktop (almost hitting the 10 year mark now) has yet to have a single HD fail. Keep them well cooled, keep them properly defraged (when on Windows), and physically clean them and they'll last. Maybe new hard drives they make now just suck, though. Companies have definitely started skimping and fail at having good quality.

I don't know what people's obsession with defragging is - Windows will do it automatically.  I haven't defragged a hard drive since WinXP.

NTFS is a pretty low-maintenance file system.


--- Quote from: MyndFyre on November 23, 2009, 05:55:06 pm ---I don't know what people's obsession with defragging is - Windows will do it automatically.  I haven't defragged a hard drive since WinXP.

NTFS is a pretty low-maintenance file system.

--- End quote ---
Windows might have tasks scheduled that do it automatically, but you still have to run the actual process of reorganizing the files on the drive.

Backup what you need and reformat every 8 months.  It's worked for me.


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