What is it exactly about healing on a pally that you enjoy? The holy pally is the only healer I have never healed with in a raid setting and I am curious what people find fun about it. Is tank healing really that enjoyable to you? I know on my priest I find it to be boring compared to raid healing.
I enjoy being able to spam holy light for an entire boss fight and not have any mana issues. I also raid heal on my priest and it's similar to healing on a paladin, situationally. There's not much difference really, considering on my paladin I throw out raid heals during most fights, too. I can solo heal the tanks, and non-retards who avoid orbs, on reg 10 man twin valks. Paladins aren't in cloth, even though Priests have a lot more survivability than they did when I mostly played on mine pre-wotlk. Really, being a priest and paladin are a lot alike, so whatever you enjoy about healing a raid, I also probably enjoy about healing a raid.
I enjoy healing over DPS because I tend to get gear more often. As much as I really don't mind not getting gear, this
is a game and in the end it's really just about my enjoyment factor, so getting gear often makes it slightly more entertaining.
I do think druid healing would be kind of fun. I think shamans seem like the most boring of any healer. I'm just hoping enhancement dps will be fun. The burst dps is fun in BGs.