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Welcome to 2010!

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--- Quote from: Quik on January 06, 2010, 11:05:25 pm ---nothing amazingly spectacular, but it's basically an excuse to have a good time, however that may be for you. Our society basically stops over the holiday, most people don't have school or work, so why not enjoy yourself? I'm just tired of people having the attitude that they're superior because they don't "party" or conform to the social norm. But ts whatever, I'm not here to start arguements. We're all friends here :)

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Right, but most people I know (myself included) already party/socialize the rest of the year anyway. What I'm wondering is if there's anything special about that night, other than that you're guaranteed (unless you're a hotshot doctor/nurse) never to work the next day? I don't avoid parties, on the contrary I've done some of the stupidest shit ever while drunk. Everything has its place, though, and I'd rather just be hanging out with friends than drunk and retarded most of the time.


--- Quote from: deadly7 on January 07, 2010, 04:07:02 pm ---I don't avoid parties, on the contrary I've done some of the stupidest shit ever while drunk.

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Oooh! Story story story!

Better yet, pics or it didn't happen :D


--- Quote from: deadly7 on January 07, 2010, 04:07:02 pm ---
--- Quote from: Quik on January 06, 2010, 11:05:25 pm ---nothing amazingly spectacular, but it's basically an excuse to have a good time, however that may be for you. Our society basically stops over the holiday, most people don't have school or work, so why not enjoy yourself? I'm just tired of people having the attitude that they're superior because they don't "party" or conform to the social norm. But ts whatever, I'm not here to start arguements. We're all friends here :)

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Right, but most people I know (myself included) already party/socialize the rest of the year anyway. What I'm wondering is if there's anything special about that night, other than that you're guaranteed (unless you're a hotshot doctor/nurse) never to work the next day? I don't avoid parties, on the contrary I've done some of the stupidest shit ever while drunk. Everything has its place, though, and I'd rather just be hanging out with friends than drunk and retarded most of the time.

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It's a celebration of a New Year, meaning we made it through the past 364 days alright. So let's do a bunch of crazy shit just in case we don't make it through the next 365.

I do that every day.


--- Quote from: rabbit on January 08, 2010, 11:49:07 am ---I do that every day.

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autograph please.


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