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Just a heads up, I'm in the process of changing ISPs. In fact, the new guy's here right now doing the installation.

This new one promises to be significantly faster and more reliable (10mbit up and down + 99.99% uptime). Let's hope it's true. :)

This will, of course, mean some brief periods of downtime, especially when I change my DNS entry to point to the new address. But, we'll deal with that when it comes -- I'm hoping to make it as painless as possible, which is why I technically have two ISPs right now.

>: (

Damn, couldn't get a signal higher than 8mbit where they mounted it (it's wireless, obviously -- wayyyy faster than anything wired here). It's too late to re-mount it, so he's coming back on the weekend.

From what he's seen, he figures I can get 20 - 25mbit once it's all set up. So you guys should notice a considerable speed increase on the site. :D


--- Quote from: iago on February 19, 2010, 12:12:33 am ---So you guys should notice a considerable speed increase on the site. :D

--- End quote ---

Hah, I won't.

So, I haven't moved over the server or anything yet, because it's going to require some DNS shuffling, but here's what I have:

New ISP:

Current ISP:

So, you should notice quite a difference. :D


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