He's a funny guy, and I'll give him props to that, but his arguments are simple rhetoric and, in the end, don't make sense.
Just to look at his "global warming" thing -- yes, it's funny, but it's wrong for a couple reasons:
* Humans artificially breed cows like crazy, for the meat industry, so for every person that doesn't eat meat less cows are bred, less methane
* The pollution from cows largely isn't from the methane they produce, it's from the amount of processing required to feed them and to dispose of their waste
* It takes 100x more plants to raise a cow for people to eat than if they'd just eaten the plants to begin with
So yeah, his whole global warming this is just wrong.
But I do agree with what he said about Michael Vick. He was sentenced to 23 months in prison (and a huge fine) for doing something that people do every single day. I've complained before about the double standard we hold, and that's just further evidence.