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Email working again!


I realized that email was pointing to my old ISP, so any email sent since I changed it wouldn't have been working.

Also, the reCAPTCHA plugin has become a pain in the ass. I do egress filtering, which has started blocking it because the IP changed. I disabled reCAPTCHA for now so people can actually register, we'll see if it becomes an issue.

Fantastic! In the three hours you've had that disabled, we've had one spam post and three spam bots sign up.

Wanna have someone work on getting that thing actually working? :D

Fine, it was a dumb idea. ReCAPTCHA is once again enabled.

It's not that it wasn't working, it's that it requires outbound connections to arbitrary servers. That sucks -- I don't want my web server connecting to anything unless I can lock it to a specific ip address. Lame!

Either way, I worked around the issue and it's fixed. :)

I know with pf, you can specify a domain name and it'll resolve it. A little unsafe, I suppose, but it should do the trick realistically. And I'm not sure if it'll just resolve once and store it, but if it does I'm sure you could have a script to reload the rules every hour or so.

Yeah, but that's pretty lame. I could probably hack the plugin itself and hardcode an ip, but whatever. I took care of it.


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