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Brief periods of downtime possible

(1/2) > >>

So, I have to move out of my place for 4 weeks while they do repairs. My plan is to put the server somewhere that they won't break it (which is going to involve rebooting it). Even then, though, it's possible that it might get unplugged. I'll be nearby, fortunately, so I'll fix it if there are any issues.

If you're staying in the Province there will be no issues.

See, that wasn't so bad! All my downtime should be planned and in the middle of the night like this. :)

It should be up for the next month or so, unless the people doing the repairs unplug it, which is very possible. I'll be nearby, though, if it needs a kick or something.


--- Quote from: iago on August 18, 2010, 07:27:10 pm ---Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 04:27:10 PM
See, that wasn't so bad! All my downtime should be planned and in the middle of the night like this.

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--- Quote from: Newby on August 19, 2010, 03:32:35 am ---
--- Quote from: iago on August 18, 2010, 07:27:10 pm ---Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 04:27:10 PM
See, that wasn't so bad! All my downtime should be planned and in the middle of the night like this.

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---
Stupid servers that don't properly remember the time. :)

I fixed it!


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