So, me and my friend went camping this weekend, and on the way our GPS led us down a bunch of weird back roads. On one, we saw a sign that said, "Alpaca Farm -->". Naturally, we had to turn off and find it. We got there, and there was a pen with probably 40 of them wandering around. We got out of the car and they all came to see us. They looked amazing, and they were so curious and cute. They all had different poofy hair and everything. I loved it! Here's a picture I took:, the lady who runs the farm saw us and came out. She offered to take us around and show us the whole operation. She told us all about alpacas, how smart they are, how they have babies, etc etc. It was really cool!
Although I don't really agree with keeping animals in pens and using them for fur (or anything else), they're still super amazing animals!