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Out of town soon!

<< < (3/3)


--- Quote from: AntiVirus on November 12, 2010, 12:07:46 am ---Is it safe to assume you'll never venture anywhere near Missouri? 

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Very safe. ;)

Actually, it depends on where conferences happen. I'm not really choosy about where I go. :)


--- Quote from: while1 on November 11, 2010, 07:40:47 am ---Damnit, Dec. 3rd falls on my working Friday :(... I have every other Friday off (I work a 9/80 schedule, 9 hours M-TR each week, 8 hours every other Friday).

HOWEVER, I have so much PTO (paid-time off) that I'm going to talk with my boss today to see about taking the day off on the 3rd or just using EWW (extended work week/ overtime) to compensate for it.

I'll get back to you this evening.

Since I have to go past Annapolis to get to Baltimore and again on the way home, if Towelie isn't busy and wants to meetup, I can give him a lift.

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Honestly, I don't think I'm going to have any time this tome around. I'm coming in Wednesday evening, I work Thursday and Friday at head office, Friday evening is our Xmas party, and I leave Saturday morning. That doesn't leave me much time to do anything. :-/

I'll be in Baltimore semi-regularly, though, since I work for a company based on Columbia. Next time, I'll try and stay longer.


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