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Out of town soon!

<< < (2/3) > >>

epic. :)

I actually live fairly close to Baltimore ( 20762 ), it's probably about 20-30m for me to get there.  Though, I've never *really* talked to you at all. :(

Yo iago you have to hit up West Side Baltimore like the hoods they show in The Wire.

go to the projects and buy some drugs.

Damnit, Dec. 3rd falls on my working Friday :(... I have every other Friday off (I work a 9/80 schedule, 9 hours M-TR each week, 8 hours every other Friday).

HOWEVER, I have so much PTO (paid-time off) that I'm going to talk with my boss today to see about taking the day off on the 3rd or just using EWW (extended work week/ overtime) to compensate for it.

I'll get back to you this evening.

Since I have to go past Annapolis to get to Baltimore and again on the way home, if Towelie isn't busy and wants to meetup, I can give him a lift.

Is it safe to assume you'll never venture anywhere near Missouri? 


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