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SMF 1.1.12

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iago's scared of elitist script kiddies? At least, that's what they make themselves sound like.

The people compromising high profile security sites aren't script kiddies -- these guys actually know what they're doing and how to cover their tracks.


--- Quote from: iago on December 30, 2010, 06:37:28 am ---The people compromising high profile security sites aren't script kiddies -- these guys actually know what they're doing and how to cover their tracks.

--- End quote ---

And they know how to make these crazy ascii art things.  I love those  :D

The one with the sheep is hilarious. :)

So, there have been a ton of spambots since I updated the forum. I noticed the CAPTCHA got turned off, so I slowly ramped it up until they went away. Unfortunately, it's at the 'very high' level, which I can barely read myself. Ohwell :-/


--- Quote from: iago on December 30, 2010, 05:28:32 pm ---The one with the sheep is hilarious. :)

So, there have been a ton of spambots since I updated the forum. I noticed the CAPTCHA got turned off, so I slowly ramped it up until they went away. Unfortunately, it's at the 'very high' level, which I can barely read myself. Ohwell :-/

--- End quote ---

You should set it to something unreadable, and we'll ban anyone who can register since they cheated.  Perfect plan!


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