Announcements > [x86] Announcements

Yeah yeah...

(1/2) > >>

It turns out, a hackerspace is a bad place to host the server. The breakers keep getting turned off, or the network connection gets unplugged, or many other weird things. And to think, I put it there because my connection this month was going to be slightly unrealiable. Ohwell. :)

I'm going to bring it home as soon as I can, which will hopefully end all this downtime!


A life without x86 has been so meaningless these last few days.

Okay, it's back home again. Downtime should be done. Sorry about last night - DNS issues (meaning I forgot to update the DNS when I moved it :) )

Ran outta harddrive space, blahblahblah. My fault. I spent the last couple hours fixing it. I had to roll back the DB to yesterday, though I imagine nothing was lost. :)


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